Tuesday 14 May 2013

Imbalance between a rapid globalisation of the world's economic system and the lack of a corresponding political authority to monitor this global phenomenon

Justice and Peace Council: 'Banking on the Common Good'

(Vatican Radio) A international colloquium on the theme ‘Banking on the Common Good’ is taking place in the Vatican on Monday, with discussions focused on how to bring ethical values to bear on the world’s financial and monetary systems.
Jointly sponsored by the Pontifical Justice and Peace Council and several institutes supporting a values based economy, the colloquium took as its starting point a recent document from the Council which explores the roots of the global financial crisis.In a key note speech, the president of the Pontifical Council, Cardinal Peter Turkson from Ghana, said the past five years of economic crisis have shown there is an urgent need to restore public trust in the banks and other financial institutions. This can only be done, he said, if their activities are more focused on the common good and if there is some form of effective governance to make sure this goal is achieved.

Cardinal Turkson highlights the imbalance between a rapid globalisation of the world's economic system and the lack of a corresponding political authority to monitor this global phenomenon...."
