Sunday 23 June 2013

Fill the world with peace and love

"When I speak to you of good example, I mean to tell you, too, that you have to understand and excuse, that you have to fill the world with peace and love." (The Forge, 560) 

I really wish we Christians knew how to serve, for only by serving can we know and love Christ and make him known and loved.

How will we show him to souls? By our example. Through our voluntary service of Jesus Christ, we should be witnesses to him in all our activities, for he is the Lord of our entire lives, the only and ultimate reason for our existence. Then, once we have given this witness of service, we will be able to give instruction by our word. That was how Christ acted. “He began to do and to teach;” he first taught by his action, and then by his divine preaching.

If we are to serve others, for Christ’s sake, we need to be very human. If our life is less than human, God will not build anything on it, for he normally does not build on disorder, selfishness or emptiness. We have to understand everyone; we must live peaceably with everyone; we must forgive everyone. We shall not call injustice justice; we shall not say that an offence against God is not an offence against God, or that evil is good. When confronted by evil we shall not reply with another evil, but rather with sound doctrine and good actions: drowning evil in an abundance of good. (Christ is passing by, 182)

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