Saturday 10 August 2013

ASIA/INDIA - Education and logistics of poor quality penalize the children of Bihar

Patna - The poor quality of education that children receive in the Indian state of Bihar is a daily tragedy. In the village of Gandaman a school has just opened to help the most vulnerable community of Dalits and other more precarious castes. However, as what usually happens in most schools in the State that are located in rural areas, minimum basic services are lacking.
First of all, there is no building, students from class 1 to class 5 or are piled up in one room, sitting on a floor full of big holes. There is no kitchen or a room for lunch and there are only 2 teachers for 60 students. The teacher, in addition to having to hold lessons for 5 classes, must provide for the purchase and distribution of lunch. In addition, both are 'Niyojit Shikshaks', ie para-teachers. The State government has decided to fill the lack of teachers by employing 2 Niyojit Shikshaks who are paid less. Many of these are not even qualified or trained. Free uniforms, books, bicycles attract more children in schools, but in the classrooms, nothing has changed, and the poor conditions in which they live penalize them in terms of their learning ability.

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