Friday 20 December 2013

People have recognized in Pope Francis an authentic priest

An extensive interview with the Prelate of Opus Dei published on December 15 in Milan's "Corriere della Sera," the best-selling Italian daily.

"Pope Francis is helping the whole world to give priority to the culture of being, of life, in contrast to the culture of having that sometimes suffocates the more economically developed societies. And he speaks about sanctity in ordinary life: a woman who cares for her children, a man who works to put bread on the table, the sick. The western world needs to rediscover this type of sanctity. It’s not a path for a privileged few: it’s an invitation that our Lord addresses to all men and women. In countries with a Christian tradition, Opus Dei (through its activities for spiritual formation) offers a path for rediscovering the faith in the midst of one’s daily occupations. This is what the New Evangelization means: to re-enkindle in Christians (who sometimes see themselves as such only because of their cultural context) the flame of a living and personal relationship with God."

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