Tuesday 24 December 2013

The Church wishes Pope Francis Happy Birthday; Card. Oswald Recalls Mother Teresa

Mumbai (AsiaNews): The President of the Bishops Conference and Archbishop of Bombay Cardinal  Oswald Gracias, offered prayers to the Lord "to grant the Holy Father health, wisdom and grace , to continue to lead the Church and be an inspiration to us all." This week he will celebrate a Mass in the house of Mumbai for abandoned children, opened by the founder of the Missionaries of Charity.

Cardinal Oswald  is one of the eight cardinals chosen by the Pope as advisors on Curia reforms. "What Pope Francis says – the Cardinal said - is an echo of the life, work and message of Mother Teresa. He is satiating the thirst for Christ, and I am sure the Mother from Heaven is smiling, and together with the Indian Church wish him a happy birthday".
Today Cardinal Gracias will recite a prayer with all the priests of the diocese. This week he will visit Asha Daan ( "Gift of Hope" ) , the home founded by Mother Teresa in Mumbai for abandoned children. Here he will preside over a special Mass in honour of the Pope. Today the home houses 75 children - cared for by the Missionaries of Charity - along with over 400 men and women dying and ill with HIV. Finally, on December 21 also at Shanti Avedna Sadan , India's first hospice for the terminally ill , a special ceremony for the Pope's birthday will be celebrated.

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