Tuesday 28 April 2015

Nepal: Caritas India will invite generous funds from the business houses for this cause

Caritas Internationlis, a network of Caritas member organizations across the world, has requested US$ 100,000 to provide for immediate relief and temporary shelter quake-hit people in Nepal.

At least 2,000 people were killed and thousands of hosuese were destroyed when a 7.9 magnitude earthquake hit the Himalayan nation on Saturday.

It has paralyzed capital Kathmandu, Pokhara and surrounding areas in Nepal and parts of northern India

“The international Caritas network has begun procuring tarpaulins, shelter kits and water, sanitation and hygiene materials. They are also looking to address the need of trauma counselling for people who are out in open spaces and some in temporary shelters around Kathmandu," said a press release from Cartias.

Caritas India Executive Director Fr. Frederick D’Souza has agreed to send a team of experts from India to set up a stronger relief base in Nepal. Besides the human resource, India will invite generous funds from the business houses for this cause.

“Even as we get ready to send more help, Caritas India’s South Zonal Manager Dr Haridas is already part of the response team” Fr. Frederick informed Caritas India Chairman Bishop Lumen Monteiro. Bishop Lumen requested everyone’s prayer in this mission.

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