Saturday 9 May 2015

Indian Jesuit to address Caritas summit on inequalities

New Delhi: A leading Jesuit activist from India is among those invited to help the worldwide Caritas organization in its search for a “poor Church for the poor.”
Fr Cedric Prakash will address more than 400 Caritas delegates, Vatican representatives, NGOs and religious leaders, who are expected in Rome for the May 12-17 General Assembly of the Catholic Church’s major social wing.
The quadrennial assembly will begin with a special Mass celebrated by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Basilica. The delegates then move to Rome’s Domus Mariae for the assembly where speakers such as Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, and theologian Dominican Father Gustavo Gutierrez will address them.
Caritas Internationalis President, Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga, will open the event which focuses on the theme: “One Human Family, Caring for Creation.”
Fr Prakash, who directs Prashant (tranquility), a center for human rights, justice and peace in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad, will talk on how to reduce inequalities and achieve a really sustainable development during a two-hour session at 3 pm on May 13.
During the six days the assembly will study how growing inequalities are posing a challenge to the human family and the effects of climate change on development.

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