Saturday 23 May 2015

Pope Francis: Archbishop Romero - live the violence of love that makes each one of us overcome selfishness and so that there be no more such cruel inequality between us

Pope Francis has sent a letter to the Archbishop of San Salvador, Msgr. José Luis Escobar Alas, on the occasion of the beatification of Archbishop Óscar Arnulfo Romero Galdámez.
In the letter, the Holy Father recalled Archbishop Romero's words as he wrote of the necessary to live “the violence of love, that left Christ nailed to the Cross, that makes each one of us overcome selfishness and so that there be no more such cruel inequality between us.”
In so doing, those who invoke him as intercessor and protector will 'find in him the strength and courage to build the Kingdom of God, to commit to a more equal and dignified social order.'

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