Wednesday 22 July 2015

The practice of Humility - 41

Nothing better helps one to grow spiritually than being warned about his own defects; thus, it is most convenient and necessary to encourage those who sometimes have given you this charitable service to continue doing so on any occasion.  Receive their advice with joy and gratitude, and make it a duty to put this advice into practice, not only for the sake of correcting yourself, but also to show these friends that their concern has not been useless and that you appreciate their thoughtfulness. Even when he rectifies, the proud person does not want to show that he followed the advice received; rather, he displays an attitude of contempt towards all.  The truly humble, on the contrary, is content submitting himself to everyone for the love of God; he considers the wise advice received as coming from God himself, regardless of the instrument used.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

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