Tuesday 28 July 2015

The practice of Humility - 47

If you go to holy Communion with a heart burning with divine love, you must also bring a spirit penetrated with sentiments of true humility.  How could you not be astonished contemplating that God—infinitely pure and holy — supplies such a sign of love for such a miserable creature as you are; he gives himself to you as food.  Acknowledge the depth of your unworthiness; do approach that love-worthy sanctity with the greatest reverence; and when this amiable Lord — who is all charity — caresses you, sharing with you his indescribable sweetness, do not lessen the respect due to his infinite Majesty.  Always keep yourself in your place — in submission, in humility, in your nothingness.The realization of your poverty and misery must not close up your heart or remove from you that holy confidence you must have at this holy banquet; rather, it must make you grow in love for God, who humbles himself making himself the nour ishment of your soul.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

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