Friday 1 January 2016

The wonder of His Humility

Christ was humble of heart. Throughout His life He looked for no special consideration or privilege. He began by spending nine months in his Mother's womb, like the rest of men, following the natural course of events. He knew that mankind needed Him greatly. He was longing to come into the world to save all souls, but He took His time. He came in due course, just as every other child is born. From conception to birth, no one — except our Lady, St Joseph and St Elizabeth — realized the marvelous truth that God was coming to live among men.

There is a great simplicity also about His birth. Our Lord comes without any fanfare. No one knows about Him. On earth only Mary and Joseph share in the divine adventure. And then the shepherds who received the message from the angels. And later on, the wise men from the East. They were the only witnesses of this transcendental event which unites heaven and earth, God and man.

How can our hearts be so hard that we can get used to these scenes? God humbled himself to allow us to get near Him, so that we could give our Love in exchange for His, so that our freedom might bow, not only at the sight of His power, but also before the wonder of His Humility.
St. Josemaria Escriva
Christ is Passing By, no. 18


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