"Dejemos entrar a Jesús en nuestra vida, saliendo de nuestros egoísmos, indiferencias y aislamientos."
Deus caritas est. God is love. Deus é amor. Dios es amor. Dieu est amour. Dio è amore. A Catholic blog in English, Sometimes also in Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian.
Saturday, 31 August 2013
Friday, 30 August 2013
27/8/2013 Pape François (@Pontifex_fr): sortant de nos égoïsmes, indifférences et fermetures envers les autres
"Laissons entrer Jésus dans nos vies en sortant de nos égoïsmes, indifférences et fermetures envers les autres."
Pape François (@Pontifex_fr)
Thursday, 29 August 2013
27/8/2013 Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it): uscendo dagli egoismi, dalle indifferenze e dalle chiusure verso gli altri
"Lasciamo entrare Gesù nella nostra vita, uscendo dagli egoismi, dalle indifferenze e dalle chiusure verso gli altri."
Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it)
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
LUMEN FIDEI - 6: The light of faith - A light to be recovered - faith enriches life in all its dimensions
"The Year of Faith was inaugurated on the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. This is itself a clear indication that Vatican II was a Council on faith, inasmuch as it asked us to restore the primacy of God in Christ to the centre of our lives, both as a Church and as individuals. The Church never takes faith for granted, but knows that this gift of God needs to be nourished and reinforced so that it can continue to guide her pilgrim way. The Second Vatican Council enabled the light of faith to illumine our human experience from within, accompanying the men and women of our time on their journey. It clearly showed how faith enriches life in all its dimensions."
(http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/francesco/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20130629_enciclica-lumen-fidei_en.html )
(http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/francesco/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20130629_enciclica-lumen-fidei_en.html )
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
LUMEN FIDEI - 6: A luz da fé - Uma luz a redescobrir - a fé enriquece a existência humana em todas as suas dimensões
"O Ano da Fé teve início no cinquentenário da abertura do Concílio Vaticano II. Esta coincidência permite-nos ver que o mesmo foi um Concílio sobre a fé, por nos ter convidado a repor, no centro da nossa vida eclesial e pessoal, o primado de Deus em Cristo. Na verdade, a Igreja nunca dá por descontada a fé, pois sabe que este dom de Deus deve ser nutrido e revigorado sem cessar para continuar a orientar o caminho dela. O Concílio Vaticano II fez brilhar a fé no âmbito da experiência humana, percorrendo assim os caminhos do homem contemporâneo. Desta forma, se viu como a fé enriquece a existência humana em todas as suas dimensões."
Monday, 26 August 2013
LUMEN FIDEI - 5: The light of faith - A light to be recovered - a luminous vision of existence
"Christ, on the eve of his passion, assured Peter: "I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail" (Lk 22:32). He then told him to strengthen his brothers and sisters in that same faith. Conscious of the duty entrusted to the Successor of Peter, Benedict XVI proclaimed the present Year of Faith, a time of grace which is helping us to sense the great joy of believing and to renew our wonder at the vast horizons which faith opens up, so as then to profess that faith in its unity and integrity, faithful to the memory of the Lord and sustained by his presence and by the working of the Holy Spirit. The conviction born of a faith which brings grandeur and fulfilment to life, a faith centred on Christ and on the power of his grace, inspired the mission of the first Christians. In the acts of the martyrs, we read the following dialogue between the Roman prefect Rusticus and a Christian named Hierax: "‘Where are your parents?’, the judge asked the martyr. He replied: ‘Our true father is Christ, and our mother is faith in him’". For those early Christians, faith, as an encounter with the living God revealed in Christ, was indeed a "mother", for it had brought them to the light and given birth within them to divine life, a new experience and a luminous vision of existence for which they were prepared to bear public witness to the end."
(http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/francesco/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20130629_enciclica-lumen-fidei_en.html )
Sunday, 25 August 2013
LUMEN FIDEI - 5: A luz da fé - Uma luz a redescobrir - uma visão luminosa da existência
"Antes da sua paixão, o Senhor assegurava a Pedro: « Eu roguei por ti, para que a tua fé não desfaleça » (Lc 22, 32). Depois pediu-lhe para « confirmar os irmãos » na mesma fé. Consciente da tarefa confiada ao Sucessor de Pedro, Bento XVI quis proclamar este Ano da Fé, um tempo de graça que nos tem ajudado a sentir a grande alegria de crer, a reavivar a percepção da amplitude de horizontes que a fé descerra, para a confessar na sua unidade e integridade, fiéis à memória do Senhor, sustentados pela sua presença e pela acção do Espírito Santo. A convicção duma fé que faz grande e plena a vida, centrada em Cristo e na força da sua graça, animava a missão dos primeiros cristãos. Nas Actas dos Mártires, lemos este diálogo entre o prefeito romano Rústico e o cristão Hierax: « Onde estão os teus pais? » — perguntava o juiz ao mártir; este respondeu: « O nosso verdadeiro pai é Cristo, e nossa mãe a fé n’Ele ». Para aqueles cristãos, a fé, enquanto encontro com o Deus vivo que Se manifestou em Cristo, era uma « mãe », porque os fazia vir à luz, gerava neles a vida divina, uma nova experiência, uma visão luminosa da existência, pela qual estavam prontos a dar testemunho público até ao fim."
Saturday, 24 August 2013
23/8/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): Lord, teach us to step outside ourselves
"Lord, teach us to step outside ourselves. Teach us to go out into the streets and manifest your love."
Pope Francis (@Pontifex)
Friday, 23 August 2013
21/8/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): An excellent program for our lives
"An excellent program for our lives: the Beatitudes and Matthew Chapter 25."
Pope Francis (@Pontifex)
Thursday, 22 August 2013
"Bem-aventurados os que têm um coração de pobre, porque deles é o Reino dos céus!
Bem-aventurados os que choram, porque serão consolados!
Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque possuirão a terra!
Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque serão saciados!
Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque alcançarão misericórdia!
Bem-aventurados os puros de coração, porque verão Deus!
Bem-aventurados os pacíficos, porque serão chamados filhos de Deus!
Bem-aventurados os que são perseguidos por causa da justiça, porque deles é o Reino dos céus!
Bem-aventurados sereis quando vos caluniarem, quando vos perseguirem e disserem falsamente todo o mal contra vós por causa de mim."
Bem-aventurados os que choram, porque serão consolados!
Bem-aventurados os mansos, porque possuirão a terra!
Bem-aventurados os que têm fome e sede de justiça, porque serão saciados!
Bem-aventurados os misericordiosos, porque alcançarão misericórdia!
Bem-aventurados os puros de coração, porque verão Deus!
Bem-aventurados os pacíficos, porque serão chamados filhos de Deus!
Bem-aventurados os que são perseguidos por causa da justiça, porque deles é o Reino dos céus!
Bem-aventurados sereis quando vos caluniarem, quando vos perseguirem e disserem falsamente todo o mal contra vós por causa de mim."
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
17/8/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): We cannot sleep peacefully while babies are dying of hunger
"We cannot sleep peacefully while babies are dying of hunger and the elderly are without medical assistance."
Pope Francis (@Pontifex)
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
17/8/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt): Não podemos dormir tranquilos enquanto houver crianças que morrem de fome
"Não podemos dormir tranquilos enquanto houver crianças que morrem de fome e idosos que não têm assistência médica."
Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt)
Monday, 19 August 2013
17/8/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_es): No podemos dormir tranquilos mientras haya niños que mueren de hambre
"No podemos dormir tranquilos mientras haya niños que mueren de hambre y ancianos sin asistencia médica."
17/8/2013 Pape François (@Pontifex_fr): Nous ne pouvons pas dormir tranquilles alors que des enfants meurent de faim
"Nous ne pouvons pas dormir tranquilles alors que des enfants meurent de faim et que des personnes âgées n’ont pas d’assistance médicale."
Pape François (@Pontifex_fr)
Sunday, 18 August 2013
17/8/2013 Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it): Non possiamo dormire tranquilli mentre bambini muoiono di fame
"Non possiamo dormire tranquilli mentre bambini muoiono di fame e anziani non hanno assistenza medica."
Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it)
Saturday, 17 August 2013
LUMEN FIDEI - 4: The light of faith - A light to be recovered - Faith, received from God as a supernatural gift, becomes a light for our way, guiding our journey through time
There is an urgent need to see once again that faith is a light, for once the flame of faith dies out, all other lights begin to dim. The light of faith is unique, since it is capable of illuminating every aspect of human existence. A light this powerful cannot come from ourselves but from a more primordial source: in a word, it must come from God. Faith is born of an encounter with the living God who calls us and reveals his love, a love which precedes us and upon which we can lean for security and for building our lives. Transformed by this love, we gain fresh vision, new eyes to see; we realize that it contains a great promise of fulfilment, and that a vision of the future opens up before us. Faith, received from God as a supernatural gift, becomes a light for our way, guiding our journey through time. On the one hand, it is a light coming from the past, the light of the foundational memory of the life of Jesus which revealed his perfectly trustworthy love, a love capable of triumphing over death. Yet since Christ has risen and draws us beyond death, faith is also a light coming from the future and opening before us vast horizons which guide us beyond our isolated selves towards the breadth of communion. We come to see that faith does not dwell in shadow and gloom; it is a light for our darkness. Dante, in the Divine Comedy, after professing his faith to Saint Peter, describes that light as a "spark, which then becomes a burning flame and like a heavenly star within me glimmers".[4] It is this light of faith that I would now like to consider, so that it can grow and enlighten the present, becoming a star to brighten the horizon of our journey at a time when mankind is particularly in need of light.
(http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/francesco/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20130629_enciclica-lumen-fidei_en.html )
(http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/francesco/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20130629_enciclica-lumen-fidei_en.html )
Friday, 16 August 2013
LUMEN FIDEI - 4: A luz da fé - Uma luz a redescobrir - A fé, que recebemos de Deus como dom sobrenatural, aparece-nos como luz para a estrada orientando os nossos passos no tempo
Urge recuperar o carácter de luz que é próprio da fé, pois, quando a sua chama se apaga, todas as outras luzes acabam também por perder o seu vigor. De facto, a luz da fé possui um carácter singular, sendo capaz de iluminar toda a existência do homem. Ora, para que uma luz seja tão poderosa, não pode dimanar de nós mesmos; tem de vir de uma fonte mais originária, deve porvir em última análise de Deus. A fé nasce no encontro com o Deus vivo, que nos chama e revela o seu amor: um amor que nos precede e sobre o qual podemos apoiar-nos para construir solidamente a vida. Transformados por este amor, recebemos olhos novos e experimentamos que há nele uma grande promessa de plenitude e se nos abre a visão do futuro. A fé, que recebemos de Deus como dom sobrenatural, aparece-nos como luz para a estrada orientando os nossos passos no tempo. Por um lado, provém do passado: é a luz duma memória basilar — a da vida de Jesus –, onde o seu amor se manifestou plenamente fiável, capaz de vencer a morte. Mas, por outro lado e ao mesmo tempo, dado que Cristo ressuscitou e nos atrai de além da morte, a fé é luz que vem do futuro, que descerra diante de nós horizontes grandes e nos leva a ultrapassar o nosso « eu » isolado abrindo-o à amplitude da comunhão. Deste modo, compreendemos que a fé não mora na escuridão, mas é uma luz para as nossas trevas. Dante, na Divina Comédia, depois de ter confessado diante de São Pedro a sua fé, descreve-a como uma « centelha / que se expande depois em viva chama / e, como estrela no céu, em mim cintila ». É precisamente desta luz da fé que quero falar, desejando que cresça a fim de iluminar o presente até se tornar estrela que mostra os horizontes do nosso caminho, num tempo em que o homem vive particularmente carecido de luz.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
LUMEN FIDEI - 3: The light of faith - An illusory light? - In the absence of light everything becomes confused
"In the process, faith came to be associated with darkness. There were those who tried to save faith by making room for it alongside the light of reason. Such room would open up wherever the light of reason could not penetrate, wherever certainty was no longer possible. Faith was thus understood either as a leap in the dark, to be taken in the absence of light, driven by blind emotion, or as a subjective light, capable perhaps of warming the heart and bringing personal consolation, but not something which could be proposed to others as an objective and shared light which points the way. Slowly but surely, however, it would become evident that the light of autonomous reason is not enough to illumine the future; ultimately the future remains shadowy and fraught with fear of the unknown. As a result, humanity renounced the search for a great light, Truth itself, in order to be content with smaller lights which illumine the fleeting moment yet prove incapable of showing the way. Yet in the absence of light everything becomes confused; it is impossible to tell good from evil, or the road to our destination from other roads which take us in endless circles, going nowhere."
(http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/francesco/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20130629_enciclica-lumen-fidei_en.html )
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
LUMEN FIDEI - 3: A luz da fé - Uma luz ilusória? - Quando falta a luz, tudo se torna confuso
Pelo caminho de Nietzsche, a fé acabou por ser associada com a escuridão. E, a fim de conviver com a luz da razão, pensou-se na possibilidade de a conservar, de lhe encontrar um espaço: o espaço para a fé abria-se onde a razão não podia iluminar, onde o homem já não podia ter certezas. Deste modo, a fé foi entendida como um salto no vazio, que fazemos por falta de luz e impelidos por um sentimento cego, ou como uma luz subjectiva, talvez capaz de aquecer o coração e consolar pessoalmente, mas impossível de ser proposta aos outros como luz objectiva e comum para iluminar o caminho. Entretanto, pouco a pouco, foi-se vendo que a luz da razão autónoma não consegue iluminar suficientemente o futuro; este, no fim de contas, permanece na sua obscuridade e deixa o homem no temor do desconhecido. E, assim, o homem renunciou à busca de uma luz grande, de uma verdade grande, para se contentar com pequenas luzes que iluminam por breves instantes, mas são incapazes de desvendar a estrada. Quando falta a luz, tudo se torna confuso: é impossível distinguir o bem do mal, diferenciar a estrada que conduz à meta daquela que nos faz girar repetidamente em círculo, sem direcção.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
LUMEN FIDEI - 2: The light of faith - An illusory light?
We can
almost hear the objections
of many of our
contemporaries. In modernity,
that light might have been
considered sufficient for
societies of old, but was
felt to be of no use for new
times, for a humanity come
of age, proud of its
rationality and anxious to
explore the future in novel
Faith thus appeared to
some as an illusory light,
preventing mankind from
boldly setting out in quest
of knowledge. The young
Nietzsche encouraged his
sister Elisabeth to take
risks, to tread new paths with all the uncertainty of
one who must find his own
way, adding that "this is
where humanity’s paths part:
if you want peace of soul
and happiness, then believe,
but if you want to be a
follower of truth, then seek". Belief would be incompatible
with seeking.
From this
starting point Nietzsche was
to develop his critique of
Christianity for diminishing
the full meaning of human
existence and stripping life
of novelty and adventure.
Faith would thus be the
illusion of light, an
illusion which blocks the
path of a liberated humanity
to its future.
(http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/francesco/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20130629_enciclica-lumen-fidei_en.html )
(http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/francesco/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20130629_enciclica-lumen-fidei_en.html )
Monday, 12 August 2013
LUMEN FIDEI - 2: A luz da fé - Uma luz ilusória?
Podemos ouvir a objecção que se levanta de muitos dos nossos contemporâneos, quando se lhes fala na luz da fé. Nos tempos modernos, pensou-se que tal luz poderia ter sido suficiente para as sociedades antigas, mas não servia para os novos tempos, para o homem tornado adulto, orgulhoso da sua razão, desejoso de explorar de forma nova o futuro.
Nesta perspectiva, a fé aparecia como uma luz ilusória, que impedia o homem de cultivar a ousadia do saber. O jovem Nietzsche convidava a irmã Elisabeth a arriscar, percorrendo vias novas na incerteza de proceder de forma autónoma. E acrescentava: « Neste ponto, separam-se os caminhos da humanidade: se queres alcançar a paz da alma e a felicidade, contenta-te com a fé; mas, se queres ser uma discípula da verdade, então investiga » O crer opor-se-ia ao indagar.
Partindo daqui, Nietzsche desenvolverá a sua crítica ao cristianismo por ter diminuído o alcance da existência humana, espoliando a vida de novidade e aventura. Neste caso, a fé seria uma espécie de ilusão de luz, que impede o nosso caminho de homens livres rumo ao amanhã.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
LUMEN FIDEI - 1: The light of Faith - Those who believe, see; they see with a light that illumines their entire journey
The light of Faith: this is how the Church’s tradition speaks of the great gift brought by Jesus. In John’s Gospel, Christ says of himself: "I have come as light into the world, that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness" (Jn 12:46). Saint Paul uses the same image: "God who said ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts" (2 Cor 4:6). The pagan world, which hungered for light, had seen the growth of the cult of the sun god, Sol Invictus, invoked each day at sunrise. Yet though the sun was born anew each morning, it was clearly incapable of casting its light on all of human existence. The sun does not illumine all reality; its rays cannot penetrate to the shadow of death, the place where men’s eyes are closed to its light. "No one — Saint Justin Martyr writes — has ever been ready to die for his faith in the sun".[1] Conscious of the immense horizon which their faith opened before them, Christians invoked Jesus as the true sun "whose rays bestow life".[2] To Martha, weeping for the death of her brother Lazarus, Jesus said: "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" (Jn 11:40). Those who believe, see; they see with a light that illumines their entire journey, for it comes from the risen Christ, the morning star which never sets.
9/8/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt): imenso tesouro
"Todos nós somos um vaso de barro, frágil e pobre, mas é imenso o tesouro que nele trazemos."
Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt)
9/8/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): an immense treasure
"We are all jars of clay, fragile and poor, yet we carry within us an immense treasure."
Pope Francis (@Pontifex)
9/8/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_es): un gran tesoro
"Somos vasijas de barro, frágiles y pobres, pero dentro llevamos un gran tesoro."
9/8/2013 Pape François (@Pontifex_fr): le trésor immense
"Nous sommes tous des vases d’argile, fragiles et pauvres, mais dans lesquels se trouve le trésor immense que nous portons."
Pape François (@Pontifex_fr)
9/8/2013 Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it): il tesoro immenso
"Tutti noi siamo vasi d’argilla, fragili e poveri, ma nei quali c’è il tesoro immenso che portiamo."
Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it)
LUMEN FIDEI - 1: A luz da fé - Quem acredita, vê; vê com uma luz que ilumina todo o percurso da estrada
A luz da fé é a expressão com que a tradição da Igreja designou o grande dom trazido por Jesus. Eis como Ele Se nos apresenta, no Evangelho de João: « Eu vim ao mundo como luz, para que todo o que crê em Mim não fique nas trevas » (Jo 12, 46). E São Paulo exprime-se nestes termos: « Porque o Deus que disse: "das trevas brilhe a luz", foi quem brilhou nos nossos corações » (2 Cor 4, 6). No mundo pagão, com fome de luz, tinha-se desenvolvido o culto do deus Sol, Sol invictus, invocado na sua aurora. Embora o sol renascesse cada dia, facilmente se percebia que era incapaz de irradiar a sua luz sobre toda a existência do homem. De facto, o sol não ilumina toda a realidade, sendo os seus raios incapazes de chegar até às sombras da morte, onde a vista humana se fecha para a sua luz. Aliás « nunca se viu ninguém — afirma o mártir São Justino — pronto a morrer pela sua fé no sol ».[1] Conscientes do amplo horizonte que a fé lhes abria, os cristãos chamaram a Cristo o verdadeiro Sol, « cujos raios dão a vida ».[2] A Marta, em lágrimas pela morte do irmão Lázaro, Jesus diz-lhe: « Eu não te disse que, se acreditares, verás a glória de Deus? » (Jo 11, 40). Quem acredita, vê; vê com uma luz que ilumina todo o percurso da estrada, porque nos vem de Cristo ressuscitado, estrela da manhã que não tem ocaso.
Saturday, 10 August 2013
ASIA/INDIA - Education and logistics of poor quality penalize the children of Bihar
Patna - The poor quality of education that children receive in the Indian state of Bihar is a daily tragedy. In the village of Gandaman a school has just opened to help the most vulnerable community of Dalits and other more precarious castes. However, as what usually happens in most schools in the State that are located in rural areas, minimum basic services are lacking.
First of all, there is no building, students from class 1 to class 5 or are piled up in one room, sitting on a floor full of big holes. There is no kitchen or a room for lunch and there are only 2 teachers for 60 students. The teacher, in addition to having to hold lessons for 5 classes, must provide for the purchase and distribution of lunch. In addition, both are 'Niyojit Shikshaks', ie para-teachers. The State government has decided to fill the lack of teachers by employing 2 Niyojit Shikshaks who are paid less. Many of these are not even qualified or trained. Free uniforms, books, bicycles attract more children in schools, but in the classrooms, nothing has changed, and the poor conditions in which they live penalize them in terms of their learning ability.
ASIA/TURKEY - Syriac Christians will be able to build their own schools
Ankara - The Foundation of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Santa Maria has received from the Turkish courts the permission to build their own schools for children and young people in their community, ensuring them to be educated in the language used in the family. According to the reconstruction provided by Turkish sources consulted by Fides, just a year ago the request made by the Foundation was rejected by the Ministry of Education, based on the fact that the Syriac community is not in the list of minorities traditionally recognized in the Country. An appeal filed to the Turkish court overturned the negative ministerial ruling, recognizing that the Syriac Christians must be able to benefit from the same rights enjoyed by other religious minorities in the field of education on the basis of the Treaty of Lausanne.
In recent times, signs of attention of the leadership of Turkish policy towards the Syriac Christian minority seem to multiply. The same Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on Syriac Turkish emigrants to return to Turkey. While President Abdullah Gul met with the leaders of the Syriac Christian community in Turkey in February. Agenzia Fides 07/08/2013).
Friday, 9 August 2013
Love is eternity
Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
When you are behaving as if you loved someone you will presently come to love him
"Do not waste time bothering whether you "love" your neighbor; act as if you did.As soon as we do this we find one of the great secrets. When you are behaving as if you loved someone you will presently come to love him."
C.S. Lewis
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Jesus veio ao nosso meio para nos indicar o caminho da salvação e confiou-nos a missão de o fazer conhecer a todos, até aos confins do mundo
"Devemos sempre ter a coragem e a alegria de propor, com respeito, o encontro com Cristo e de nos fazermos portadores do seu Evangelho; Jesus veio ao nosso meio para nos indicar o caminho da salvação e confiou, também a nós, a missão de o fazer conhecer a todos, até aos confins do mundo."
Papa Francisco, 19 de Maio de 2013
1 Corinthians 13:13 - the greatest is love
"But now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Fraternity, the foundation and pathway to peace
"Fraternity, the foundation and pathway to peace". This is the
theme of the 47th World Day of Peace, the first during the pontificate
of Pope Francis.
The World Day of Peace was an initiative of Pope Paul VI and it is celebrated on the first day of each year. The Message for the World Day of Peace
is sent to particular churches and chancelleries all around the world,
drawing attention to the essential value of peace and the need to work
tirelessly in order to attain it.
As the theme of his first Message for the World Day of Peace, Pope Francis has chosen Fraternity.
Since the beginning of his Petrine Ministry, the Pope has stressed the
need to combat the “throwaway culture” and to promote instead a
"culture of encounter", in order to build a more just and peaceful
Fraternity is a dowry that every man and every woman brings
with himself or herself as a human being, as a child of the one Father.
In the face of the many tragedies that afflict the family of nations -
poverty, hunger, underdevelopment, conflicts, migrations, pollution,
inequalities, injustice, organized crime, fundamentalisms - fraternity
is the foundation and the pathway to peace.
The culture of personal well-being leads to a loss of the sense of responsibility and fraternal relationship.
Others, rather than being “like us”, appear more as antagonists or
enemies and are often treated as objects. Not uncommonly, the poor and
needy are regarded as a "burden", a hindrance to development. At most,
they are considered as recipients of aid or compassionate assistance.
They are not seen as brothers and sisters, called to share the gifts of creation, the goods of progress and culture, to be partakers at the same table of the fullness of life, to be protagonists of integral and inclusive development.
Fraternity, a gift and task that comes from God the Father, urges us
to be in solidarity against inequality and poverty that undermine the
social fabric, to take care of every person, especially the weakest and
most defenceless, to love him or her as oneself, with the very heart of
Jesus Christ.
In a world that is constantly growing more interdependent, the good
of fraternity is one that we cannot do without. It serves to defeat the
spread of the globalization of indifference to which Pope Francis has frequently referred. The globalization of indifference must give way to a globalization of fraternity.
Fraternity should leave its mark on every aspect of life, including
the economy, finance, civil society, politics, research, development,
public and cultural institutions.
At the start of his ministry, Pope Francis issues a message in
continuity with that of his predecessors, which proposes to everyone the
pathway of fraternity, in order to give the world a more human face.
1 John 4:7 - everyone who loves knows God
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Luke 6:35 - Love your enemies
Love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return.
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Amar, é por ações
Não amemos de palavras nem de língua, mas por ações e em verdade.
O legalismo
O legalismo ofende a justiça de Deus porque julga os irmãos segundo um código moral humano e não em termos de uma comunhão com Cristo.
1 John 4:19 - We love
We love, because He first loved us.
To Muslims throughout the World
It gives me great pleasure to greet
you as you celebrate ‘Id al-Fitr, so concluding the month of Ramadan,
dedicated mainly to fasting, prayer and almsgiving.
It is a tradition by now that, on this occasion, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue sends you a message of good wishes, together with a proposed theme for common reflection. This year, the first of my Pontificate, I have decided to sign this traditional message myself and to send it to you, dear friends, as an expression of esteem and friendship for all Muslims, especially those who are religious leaders.
As you all know, when the Cardinals elected me as Bishop of Rome and Universal Pastor of the Catholic Church, I chose the name of “Francis”, a very famous saint who loved God and every human being deeply, to the point of being called “universal brother”. He loved, helped and served the needy, the sick and the poor; he also cared greatly for creation.
I am aware that family and social dimensions enjoy a particular prominence for Muslims during this period, and it is worth noting that there are certain parallels in each of these areas with Christian faith and practice.
This year, the theme on which I would like to reflect with you and with all who will read this message is one that concerns both Muslims and Christians: Promoting Mutual Respect through Education.
This year’s theme is intended to underline the importance of education in the way we understand each other, built upon the foundation of mutual respect. “Respect” means an attitude of kindness towards people for whom we have consideration and esteem. “Mutual” means that this is not a one-way process, but something shared by both sides.
What we are called to respect in each person is first of all his life, his physical integrity, his dignity and the rights deriving from that dignity, his reputation, his property, his ethnic and cultural identity, his ideas and his political choices. We are therefore called to think, speak and write respectfully of the other, not only in his presence, but always and everywhere, avoiding unfair criticism or defamation. Families, schools, religious teaching and all forms of media have a role to play in achieving this goal.
Turning to mutual respect in interreligious relations, especially between Christians and Muslims, we are called to respect the religion of the other, its teachings, its symbols, its values. Particular respect is due to religious leaders and to places of worship. How painful are attacks on one or other of these!
It is clear that, when we show respect for the religion of our neighbours or when we offer them our good wishes on the occasion of a religious celebration, we simply seek to share their joy, without making reference to the content of their religious convictions.
Regarding the education of Muslim and Christian youth, we have to bring up our young people to think and speak respectfully of other religions and their followers, and to avoid ridiculing or denigrating their convictions and practices.
We all know that mutual respect is fundamental in any human relationship, especially among people who profess religious belief. In this way, sincere and lasting friendship can grow.
When I received the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See on 22 March 2013, I said: “It is not possible to establish true links with God, while ignoring other people. Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam. At the Mass marking the beginning of my ministry, I greatly appreciated the presence of so many civil and religious leaders from the Islamic world.” With these words, I wished to emphasize once more the great importance of dialogue and cooperation among believers, in particular Christians and Muslims, and the need for it to be enhanced.
With these sentiments, I reiterate my hope that all Christians and Muslims may be true promoters of mutual respect and friendship, in particular through education.
Finally, I send you my prayerful good wishes, that your lives may glorify the Almighty and give joy to those around you. Happy Feast to you all!
From the Vatican, 10 July 2013
It is a tradition by now that, on this occasion, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue sends you a message of good wishes, together with a proposed theme for common reflection. This year, the first of my Pontificate, I have decided to sign this traditional message myself and to send it to you, dear friends, as an expression of esteem and friendship for all Muslims, especially those who are religious leaders.
As you all know, when the Cardinals elected me as Bishop of Rome and Universal Pastor of the Catholic Church, I chose the name of “Francis”, a very famous saint who loved God and every human being deeply, to the point of being called “universal brother”. He loved, helped and served the needy, the sick and the poor; he also cared greatly for creation.
I am aware that family and social dimensions enjoy a particular prominence for Muslims during this period, and it is worth noting that there are certain parallels in each of these areas with Christian faith and practice.
This year, the theme on which I would like to reflect with you and with all who will read this message is one that concerns both Muslims and Christians: Promoting Mutual Respect through Education.
This year’s theme is intended to underline the importance of education in the way we understand each other, built upon the foundation of mutual respect. “Respect” means an attitude of kindness towards people for whom we have consideration and esteem. “Mutual” means that this is not a one-way process, but something shared by both sides.
What we are called to respect in each person is first of all his life, his physical integrity, his dignity and the rights deriving from that dignity, his reputation, his property, his ethnic and cultural identity, his ideas and his political choices. We are therefore called to think, speak and write respectfully of the other, not only in his presence, but always and everywhere, avoiding unfair criticism or defamation. Families, schools, religious teaching and all forms of media have a role to play in achieving this goal.
Turning to mutual respect in interreligious relations, especially between Christians and Muslims, we are called to respect the religion of the other, its teachings, its symbols, its values. Particular respect is due to religious leaders and to places of worship. How painful are attacks on one or other of these!
It is clear that, when we show respect for the religion of our neighbours or when we offer them our good wishes on the occasion of a religious celebration, we simply seek to share their joy, without making reference to the content of their religious convictions.
Regarding the education of Muslim and Christian youth, we have to bring up our young people to think and speak respectfully of other religions and their followers, and to avoid ridiculing or denigrating their convictions and practices.
We all know that mutual respect is fundamental in any human relationship, especially among people who profess religious belief. In this way, sincere and lasting friendship can grow.
When I received the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See on 22 March 2013, I said: “It is not possible to establish true links with God, while ignoring other people. Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam. At the Mass marking the beginning of my ministry, I greatly appreciated the presence of so many civil and religious leaders from the Islamic world.” With these words, I wished to emphasize once more the great importance of dialogue and cooperation among believers, in particular Christians and Muslims, and the need for it to be enhanced.
With these sentiments, I reiterate my hope that all Christians and Muslims may be true promoters of mutual respect and friendship, in particular through education.
Finally, I send you my prayerful good wishes, that your lives may glorify the Almighty and give joy to those around you. Happy Feast to you all!
From the Vatican, 10 July 2013
Pope Francis
Indian migrants prepare for Nativity Feast
The celebration is expected to draw more than 3,000 migrant workers and pilgrims to Jaffa, Israel.
(Photo: franciscanaction.wordpress.com) |
“Mother Mary is revered with great devotion by the Indian community as a mother and a spiritual figure of maternal protection,” said Fr. Jayaseellan Pitchaimuthu OFM, head of the Indian Chaplaincy in Holy Land.
She is acknowledged as the “protector and patroness” of the Indian Chaplaincy in Holy Land because she is a “model” for the migrants, he said.
He noted that the Holy Family took refuge in Egypt for safety and settled for livelihood in Nazareth, and that Jesus carried out his apostolic mission in Judea, Galilee and Jerusalem.
Many Indian Catholic migrant workers “seek grace and invoke (Mary's) motherly protection,” he said.
The feast falls on Sunday, Sept. 8, which is a working day in Israel. Therefore, the feast is being celebrated this year the previous day, which is a weekend holiday.
According to the priest, the celebration is expected to draw more than 3,000 migrant workers and pilgrims to Jaffa, Israel.
Catholics from coastal part of western India popularly call the feast day “Monti Fest,” a time to celebrate the harvest with family and thank God for the fruits of the crops.
As part of the celebration, a novena will begin on Aug. 30, kicking off a week of meditations and intercessory prayers leading up to the feast day.
A large, colorful procession will begin at 5 p.m. in Jaffa, followed by Mass.
“There will then be blessing of harvested new grain, followed by a fellowship dinner,” said the priest.
The priest explained that the Marian feast day is particularly important in the Indian context because of its relation to other faiths.
Members of other religions, including Hindus and Muslims, “regard Marian devotions in esteem,” he said.
Thousands of devotees – both Catholics and non-Catholics – flock every week to the Marian apparition site at Velankanni, near Chennai in South India, and other shrines that have recorded various miracles, he said.
“In this way, Marian devotion also leads to a platform for inter-religious dialogue,” he added.
Saturday, 3 August 2013
1 Coríntios 13:1-13
Ainda que eu falasse as línguas dos homens e dos anjos, e não tivesse amor, seria como o metal que soa ou como o sino que tine.
E ainda que tivesse o dom de profecia, e conhecesse todos os mistérios e toda a ciência, e ainda que tivesse toda a fé, de maneira tal que transportasse os montes, e não tivesse amor, nada seria.
E ainda que distribuísse toda a minha fortuna para sustento dos pobres, e ainda que entregasse o meu corpo para ser queimado, e não tivesse amor, nada disso me aproveitaria.
O amor é sofredor, é benigno; o amor não é invejoso; o amor não trata com leviandade, não se ensoberbece.
Não se porta com indecência, não busca os seus interesses, não se irrita, não suspeita mal;
Não folga com a injustiça, mas folga com a verdade;
Tudo sofre, tudo crê, tudo espera, tudo suporta.
O amor nunca falha; mas havendo profecias, serão aniquiladas; havendo línguas, cessarão; havendo ciência, desaparecerá;
Porque, em parte, conhecemos, e em parte profetizamos;
Mas, quando vier o que é perfeito, então o que o é em parte será aniquilado.
Quando eu era menino, falava como menino, sentia como menino, discorria como menino, mas, logo que cheguei a ser homem, acabei com as coisas de menino.
Porque agora vemos por espelho em enigma, mas então veremos face a face; agora conheço em parte, mas então conhecerei como também sou conhecido.
Agora, pois, permanecem a fé, a esperança e o amor, estes três, mas o maior destes é o amor.
2/8/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt): dialogar com todos
"A segurança da fé não nos torna imóveis e fechados, mas põe-nos a caminho para dar testemunho a todos e dialogar com todos."
Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt)
2/8/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): dialogue with all people
"The security of faith does not make us motionless or close us off, but sends us forth to bear witness and to dialogue with all people."
Pope Francis (@Pontifex)
Pope Francis (
2/8/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_es): diálogo con todos
"La seguridad de la fe no nos inmoviliza o encierra, sino que nos pone en camino y hace posible el testimonio y el diálogo con todos."
2/8/2013 Pape François (@Pontifex_fr): dialoguer avec tous
"La certitude de la foi ne nous rend ni immobiles ni fermés, mais nous met en chemin pour rendre témoignage à tous et dialoguer avec tous."
Pape François (@Pontifex_fr)
2/8/2013 Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it): dialogare con tutti
"La sicurezza della fede non ci rende immobili e chiusi, ma ci mette in cammino per rendere testimonianza a tutti e dialogare con tutti."
Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it)
28/7/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt): Não podemos ficar encerrados na paróquia
"Não podemos ficar encerrados na paróquia, nas nossas comunidades, quando há tanta gente esperando o Evangelho!"
Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt)
28/7/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): We cannot keep ourselves shut up in parishes
"We cannot keep ourselves shut up in parishes, in our communities, when so many people are waiting for the Gospel!"
Pope Francis (@Pontifex)
Pope Francis (
28/7/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_es): No podemos quedarnos enclaustrados en la parroquia
"No podemos quedarnos enclaustrados en la parroquia, en nuestra comunidad, cuando tantas personas están esperando el Evangelio."
28/7/2013 Pape François (@Pontifex_fr): Nous ne pouvons pas rester enfermés dans notre paroisse
"Nous ne pouvons pas rester enfermés dans notre paroisse, dans nos communautés, quand tant de personnes sont en attente de l’Evangile."
Pape François (@Pontifex_fr)
28/7/2013 Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it): Non possiamo restare chiusi nella parrocchia
"Non possiamo restare chiusi nella parrocchia, nelle nostre comunità, quando tante persone sono in attesa del Vangelo!"
Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it)
27/7/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt): Os Bispos são os Pastores do Povo de Deus
"Os Bispos são os Pastores do Povo de Deus. Sigamo-los com confiança e coragem."
Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt)
27/7/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): Bishops are the pastors of the People of God
"Bishops are the pastors of the People of God. Follow them with trust and courage."
Pope Francis (@Pontifex)
27/7/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_es): Los obispos son los pastores del pueblo de Dios
"Los obispos son los pastores del pueblo de Dios. Sigámoslos con confianza y valentía."
Friday, 2 August 2013
27/7/2013 Pape François (@Pontifex_fr): Les Evêques sont les pasteurs du Peuple de Dieu
"Les Evêques sont les pasteurs du Peuple de Dieu. Suivons-les avec courage et confiance."
Pape François (@Pontifex_fr)
27/7/2013 Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it): I Vescovi sono i Pastori del Popolo di Dio
"I Vescovi sono i Pastori del Popolo di Dio. Seguiamoli con fiducia e coraggio."
Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it)
27/7/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt): nossa vida
"Não há cruz, pequena ou grande, da nossa vida que o Senhor não venha compartilhar conosco."
Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt)
27/7/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): our life
"There is no cross, big or small, in our life which the Lord does not share with us."
Pope Francis (@Pontifex)
27/7/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_es): nuestra vida
"No hay en nuestra vida cruz, pequeña o grande, que el Señor no comparta con nosotros."
Papa Francisco (
27/7/2013 Pape François (@Pontifex_fr): notre vie
"Il n’y a pas dans notre vie de croix, grande ou petite, que le Seigneur ne partage avec nous."
Pape François (@Pontifex_fr)
27/7/2013 Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it): nostra vita
"Non c’è croce piccola o grande della nostra vita che il Signore non condivide con noi."
Thursday, 1 August 2013
26/7/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): The measure of the greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need
"The measure of the greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need, those who have nothing apart from their poverty."
Pope Francis (@Pontifex)
Pope Francis (
26/7/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt): A medida da grandeza de uma sociedade é dada pelo modo como esta trata os mais necessitados
"A medida da grandeza de uma sociedade é dada pelo modo como esta trata
os mais necessitados, quem não tem outra coisa senão a sua pobreza."
Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt)
26/7/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_es): La altura de una sociedad se mide en el trato que da a los más necesitados
"La altura de una sociedad se mide en el trato que da a los más necesitados, a quienes no tienen más que su pobreza."
26/7/2013 Papa Francesco (@Pontifex_it): La misura della grandezza di una società è data dal modo in cui essa tratta chi è più bisognoso
"La misura della grandezza di una società è data dal modo in cui essa tratta chi è più bisognoso, chi non ha altro che la sua povertà."
Papa Francesco (
26/7/2013 Pape François (@Pontifex_fr): La grandeur d’une société se mesure à la manière dont elle traite celui qui est le plus dans le besoin
"La grandeur d’une société se mesure à la manière dont elle traite celui qui est le plus dans le besoin, celui qui n’a que sa pauvreté."
Pape François (@Pontifex_fr)
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