Pope Francis

Thursday, 31 October 2013

True love means going out of oneself

Christian cheerfulness is not something physiological. Its foundation is supernatural, and it goes deeper than illness or difficulties. Cheerfulness does not mean the jingling of bells, or the gaiety of a dance at the local hall.True cheerfulness is something deeper, something within: something that keeps us peaceful and brimming over with joy, though at times our face may be stern. (The Forge, 520)

Some people feel embittered all the time. Everything makes them uneasy. They go to sleep with a physical obsession: that this sleep, the only possible escape, is not going to last very long. They wake up with the unwelcome and disheartening feeling that they now have another day in front of them.

Many have forgotten that the Lord has placed us in the world on our way to eternal happiness. They do not realise that only those who walk on earth with the joy of the children of God will be able to attain it. (Furrow, 305)

True love means going out of oneself, giving oneself. Love brings joy, but a joy whose roots are in the shape of a cross. As long as we are on earth and have not yet arrived at the fullness of the future life, we can never have true love without sacrifice and pain. This pain becomes sweet and lovable; it is the source of interior joy. But it is an authentic pain, for it involves overcoming one's own selfishness and taking Love as the rule of each and every thing we do. (Christ is passing by, 43)

31/10/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): Christians know how to face difficulties, trials and defeat with serenity and hope in the Lord

Christians know how to face difficulties, trials and defeat with serenity and hope in the Lord.

Pope Francis ()

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Don't let us want to escape His will

This is the key to open the door and enter the Kingdom of Heaven: qui facit voluntatem Patris mei qui in coelis est, ipse intrabit in regnum coelorum - he who does the will of my Father... he shall enter! (The Way, 754)

Many great things depend - don't forget it - on whether you and I live our lives as God wants. (The Way, 755)

We are blocks of stone that can move and feel, that have a perfectly free will. God himself is the stone-cutter who works on us, chipping off the rough edges, shaping us as he desires, with blows of the hammer and chisel. Don't let us try to draw aside, don't let us want to escape his will, for in any case we won't be able to avoid the blows. We will suffer all the more, and uselessly - and instead of polished stone, ready for the work of building, we will be a shapeless heap of gravel that people will trample contemptuously under foot. (The Way, 756)

Accepting the will of God wholeheartedly is a sure way of finding joy and peace: happiness in the Cross. Then we realize that Christ's yoke is sweet and that his burden is not heavy. (The Way, 758)

A thought which brings peace to the heart and which the holy Spirit suggests to those who seek the will of God: The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. What can worry the soul that sincerely repeats these words? (The Way, 760)

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Sunday, 27 October 2013

25/10/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): The “throw-away” culture

The “throw-away” culture produces many bitter fruits, from wasting food to isolating many elderly people.

Pope Francis ()

26/10/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt): uma solidariedade global

Com muita frequência, temos colaborado para a globalização da indiferença; procuremos, em vez disso, viver uma solidariedade global.

Papa Francisco )

Thursday, 24 October 2013

24/10/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): There is no other way

Being a Christian means renouncing ourselves, taking up the cross and carrying it with Jesus. There is no other way.

Pope Francis ()

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

22/10/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): The crucifix reveals to us the Love that overcomes evil and sin

The crucifix does not signify defeat or failure. It reveals to us the Love that overcomes evil and sin.

Pope Francis ()

“Deus conduz-nos sem pausas”

Enquanto houver luta, luta ascética, há vida interior. Isso é o que o Senhor nos pede: a vontade de querer amá-Lo com obras, nas coisas pequenas de cada dia. Se venceste no pequeno, vencerás no grande. (Via Sacra, 3ª Estação, n. 2)

Devo prevenir-vos contra uma artimanha de que Satanás – ele nunca tira férias! – não desdenha servir-se para nos arrancar a paz. Talvez em algum instante se insinue a dúvida, a tentação de pensar que se retrocede lamentavelmente ou de que mal se avança; até ganha força a convicção de que, apesar do empenho por melhorar, se piora. Garanto-vos que, em regra, esse juízo pessimista só reflecte uma falsa ilusão, um engano que convém repelir. (…) Lembrai-vos de que a Providência de Deus nos conduz sem pausas e não regateia o seu auxílio – com milagres portentosos e com milagres pequenos – para fazer progredir os seus filhos.

Militia est vita hominis super terram, et sicut dies mercenarii, dies eius, a vida do homem sobre a terra é milícia e os seus dias decorrem com o peso do trabalho. Ninguém escapa a este imperativo; nem os comodistas que põem resistência em aceitá-lo: desertam das fileiras de Cristo e afadigam-se noutras contendas para satisfazerem a sua preguiça, a sua vaidade, as suas ambições mesquinhas; são escravos dos seus caprichos. (...).

Monday, 21 October 2013

“Deus não perde batalhas”

Se tiveres caído, levanta-te com mais esperança! Só o amor-próprio não entende que o erro, quando se rectifica, ajuda a conhecer-nos e a humilhar-nos. (Sulco, 724)

Para a frente, aconteça o que acontecer! Bem agarrado ao braço do Senhor, considera que Deus não perde batalhas. Se, por qualquer motivo, te afastas d'Ele, reage com a humildade de começar e de recomeçar; de fazer de filho pródigo todos os dias, inclusive repetidamente nas vinte e quatro horas do dia; de reconciliar o teu coração contrito na Confissão, verdadeiro milagre do Amor de Deus. Neste Sacramento maravilhoso, o Senhor limpa a tua alma e inunda-te de alegria e de força para não desanimares na tua luta e para voltares de novo sem cansaço a Deus, mesmo quando tudo te pareça obscuro. Além disso, a Mãe de Deus, que é também nossa Mãe, protege-te com a sua solicitude maternal e dá-te confiança no teu caminhar.

A sagrada Escritura adverte que até o justo cai sete vezes. Sempre que leio estas palavras, a minha alma estremece com um forte abalo de amor e de dor. Uma vez mais, vem o Senhor ao nosso encontro, com essa advertência divina, para nos falar da sua misericórdia, da sua ternura, da sua clemência, que nunca acabam. Estai seguros: Deus não quer as nossas misérias, mas não as desconhece e conta precisamente com essas debilidades para que nos façamos santos. (...)

Prostro-me diante de Deus e exponho-lhe claramente a minha situação. Logo tenho a segurança da sua assistência e oiço no fundo do meu coração o que ele me repete devagar:meus es tu!. Sabia – e sei – como és; para a frente! (Amigos de Deus, nn. 214–215).


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Friday, 18 October 2013

18/10/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): We cannot give up in the face of evil

We cannot give up in the face of evil. God is Love and He has defeated evil through Christ’s death and resurrection.

Pope Francis ()

Monday, 14 October 2013

The way to cut short all the evils is to pray

Heroism, sanctity, daring, require a constant spiritual preparation. You can only ever give to others what you already have. And in order to give God to them you yourself need to get to know him, to live his Life, to serve him. (The Forge, 78)

Friday, 11 October 2013

11/10/2013 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): Give us the strength, Mary our Mother, to accept and embrace the Cross!

"When we encounter the Cross, we turn to Mary: Give us the strength, Mary our Mother, to accept and embrace the Cross!"

Pope Francis ()

Thursday, 10 October 2013

10/10/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt): O mistério da Cruz, um mistério de amor

O mistério da Cruz, um mistério de amor, pode-se compreender na oração. Rezar e chorar de joelhos diante da Cruz.

Papa Francisco )

Monday, 7 October 2013

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Sanctifying one's work is no fantastic dream - Personal sanctity is a remedy for everything

Sanctifying one's work is no fantastic dream, but the mission of every Christian - yours and mine. That is what that lathe-worker had discovered, when he said: "I am overwhelmed with happiness when I think how true it is that while I am working at the lathe and singing - singing all the time, on the outside and on the inside - I can become a saint. How good God is!" (Furrow, 517)

During the time that God has granted you in this world, make up your mind in earnest to do something worthwhile; time is pressing and the mission of men - and women - on earth is most noble, heroic and glorious when it enkindles shrunken and dried-up hearts with the fire of Christ. It is worthwhile taking peace and happiness to others through a strong and joyful crusade. (Furrow, 613)

You sometimes allow the bad side of your character to come out, and it has shown itself, on more than one occasion, in an absurd harshness. At other times, you do not bother to prepare your heart and your head so that they may be a worthy dwelling for the Most Holy Trinity. And you invariably end up by remaining rather distant from Jesus, whom you know so little. Going on like this, you will never have interior life. (Furrow, 651)

Personal sanctity is a remedy for everything. That is why the saints have been full of peace, of fortitude, of joy, of security. (Furrow, 653)

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

1/10/2013 Papa Francisco (@Pontifex_pt): Rezamos de verdade?

Rezamos de verdade? Sem uma relação constante com Deus, é difícil ter uma vida cristã autêntica e coerente.

Papa Francisco )