Pope Francis

Thursday, 29 January 2015

29/1/2015 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): True love

True love does not pay attention to the evil it suffers. It rejoices in doing good.

Pope Francis ()

If you're ,,,

Always pray to ...

Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people..

The practice of Humility - 23

If you encounter some adversity, bless the Lord who has disposed things thus for your good; think that you deserve it all, and more, and that you are unworthy of every consolation.  With all simplicity, ask the Lord to free you from these hardships, if it is his will; otherwise, ask him to give you strength to draw merit from this difficulty.
In time of trial, do not seek external consolation, especially when you know that God sent this adversity to humiliate you and break your pride and presumption; rather, say with the royal prophet: “It is good for me to be afflicted, so that I may learn your decrees” (Ps 119:71).

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The practice of Humility - 22

Be humble and meek with all, but especially with those for whom you feel a certain repugnance and aversion.  Do not say as some do: “May God forbid me from hating that person, but I do not want him around, nor do I want to have anything to do with him.”  This repugnance comes from pride and from not having conquered your proud nature and self-love with the weapon of grace.

If your nature and self-love were to let themselves be moved by grace, they would soon see all difficulties vanish by true humility, and you would patiently endure even the most unkind and irrational person.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

27/1/2015 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): Auschwitz

Auschwitz cries out with the pain of immense suffering and pleads for a future of respect, peace and encounter among peoples.

Pope Francis ()

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Cristo que passa, 156

As manifestações externas de amor devem nascer do coração e prolongar-se com o testemunho da conduta cristã. Se fomos renovados com a recepção do Corpo do Senhor, temos de o manifestar com obras. Que os nossos pensamentos sejam sinceros: de paz, de entrega, de serviço. Que as nossas palavras sejam verdadeiras, claras, oportunas; que saibam consolar e ajudar, que saibam sobretudo levar aos outros a luz de Deus. Que as nossas acções sejam coerentes, eficazes, acertadas.


Dedicate yourself to God every morning

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Sunday, 25 January 2015

First Letter to the Corinthians

I tell you, brothers and sisters, the time is running out. From now on,
let those having wives act as not having them,
those weeping as not weeping,
those rejoicing as not rejoicing,
those buying as not owning,
those using the world as not using it fully.
For the world in its present form is passing away.

Prima lettera di san Paolo apostolo ai Corinti

Questo vi dico, fratelli: il tempo ormai si è fatto breve; d'ora innanzi,
quelli che hanno moglie, vivano come se non l'avessero;
coloro che piangono, come se non piangessero e quelli che godono come se non godessero;
quelli che comprano, come se non possedessero;
quelli che usano del mondo, come se non ne usassero appieno:
perché passa la scena di questo mondo!

Carta I de San Pablo a los Corintios

Lo que quiero decir, hermanos, es esto: queda poco tiempo. Mientras tanto,
los que tienen mujer vivan como si no la tuvieran;
los que lloran, como si no lloraran;
lo que se alegran, como si no se alegraran;
los que compran, como si no poseyeran nada;
los que disfrutan del mundo, como si no disfrutaran.
Porque la apariencia de este mundo es pasajera.

Lecture de la première lettre de saint Paul apôtre aux Corinthiens

Frères, je dois vous le dire : le temps est limité. Dès lors,
que ceux qui ont une femme soient comme s’ils n’avaient pas de femme,
ceux qui pleurent, comme s’ils ne pleuraient pas,
ceux qui ont de la joie, comme s’ils n’en avaient pas,
ceux qui font des achats, comme s’ils ne possédaient rien,
ceux qui profitent de ce monde, comme s’ils n’en profitaient pas vraiment.
Car il passe, ce monde tel que nous le voyons.

Leitura da Primeira Epístola do apóstolo São Paulo aos Coríntios

O que tenho a dizer-vos, irmãos, é que o tempo é breve. Doravante,
os que têm esposas procedam como se as não tivessem;
os que choram, como se não chorassem;
os que andam alegres, como se não andassem;
os que compram, como se não possuíssem;
os que utilizam este mundo, como se realmente não o utilizassem.
De facto, o cenário deste mundo é passageiro.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

The practice of Humility - 21

Suffer patiently the defects and weaknesses of your neighbor, having always before your eyes your own misery; they also had to bear with you.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Monday, 19 January 2015

The practice of Humility - 20

Anger is a despicable vice; it should not be allowed in anyone, especially in persons with interior life.  Anger takes its roots and derives its violence from pride.  Exert effort, therefore, to build up a reservoir of sweetness; thus, even if someone offends you, you will be able to keep calm.  In these cases, do not harbor or kindle in your heart sentiments of aversion or revenge against your offender; forgive him wholeheartedly; be convinced that you could have no better chance than this to obtain forgiveness from God for having offended Him.  This humble endurance will earn you merit for heaven.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Sunday, 18 January 2015

The practice of Humility - 19

If someone disturbs you often and mortifies you on purpose with insults and humiliations, do not get angry; consider him an instrument which God uses in his mercy for your improvement, to cure the deep-rooted wound of your pride.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Friday, 2 January 2015

The practice of Humility - 18

Endeavor not to cause sorrow to anyone, no matter how inferior he may be, either with words, actions or conduct, unless duty, obedience, or charity demands it.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)