Pope Francis

Sunday, 2 July 2017

2/7/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): bringing Jesus to every street and every corner of the earth!

1/7/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): a mission of service, excluding no one!

30/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): To defend human life, above all when it is wounded by illness

30/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): Christian hope gives us a new view capable of discovering and seeing the good

29/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): give witness to God’s liberating action on us

28/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): God looks with love upon every one

27/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): see the signs God shows us in reality

26/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): firm condemnation of every form of torture

25/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): each one of us is irreplaceable in God’s eyes

24/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): Mercy warms the heart and makes it sensitive to the needs of brothers and sisters

23/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): Go forth and reach out to all people at the margins of society!

Saturday, 1 July 2017

22/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): Let us not be distracted by the false wisdom of this world

21/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): dignity

20/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): The personal encounter with refugees dispels fears and distorted ideologies

19/6/2017 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): We can only build the future by standing together, including everyone