Pope Francis

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Love and forgiveness

I ask our Blessed Mother

Our world needs a revolution of love!

Life and communion

The Family is the school of love and acceptance

We must protect the Family

The Family is where hope is forged

Let us join in prayer with all the families of the world

May the Holy Spirit grant us the grace of conversion

The impulse to love

Love overcomes all difficulties

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Embracing God’s love

How many wonderful things God has done for us!

Mother of tenderness who is always near

The real strength of the Church

Our lives become “bread broken” for our brothers and sisters

In silence we learn

The joy of unconditional love

The power of a tiny seed

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Evil tries to convince us that death is the end of everything

The love-filled face of God

An invitation to us to abandon worldly things and to contemplate Jesus

Jesus leads us on our journey towards eternal life

Support your priests

The life of a Christian

Charity is the most effective form of witness

Every Church member has a responsibility to become holy

We need time to pray and to listen to His Word

They are human beings


Grandparents are a treasure

Monday, 19 November 2018

Prayer is never in vain

With the trust of children

Build the civilization of love in the situations we are called to live every day

On your daily journey

See how it changes your life

Europe rediscovers hope when the human person is at the heart of its institutions

The face of Christ in those near you