Where there is violence and hatred, Christians are called to witness to the God who is Love.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) November 29, 2015
Deus caritas est. God is love. Deus é amor. Dios es amor. Dieu est amour. Dio è amore. A Catholic blog in English, Sometimes also in Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian.
Monday, 30 November 2015
29/11/2015 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): Christians are called to witness to the God who is Love
Monday, 23 November 2015
O que prescreve o sétimo mandamento?
O sétimo
mandamento prescreve o respeito dos bens alheios, mediante a prática da justiça
e da caridade, da temperança e da solidariedade. Em particular, exige o
respeito das promessas e dos contractos estipulados; a reparação da injustiça
cometida e a restituição do mal feito; o respeito pela integridade da criação
mediante o uso prudente e moderado dos recursos minerais, vegetais e animais
que há no universo, com especial atenção para com as espécies ameaçadas de
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Saturday, 21 November 2015
19/11/2015 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): All human persons are important
All human persons – all of us – are important in God’s eyes.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) November 19, 2015
China’s Catholic Priests put faith in recruitment drive
"Roman Catholics are rapidly increasing in larger cities across China,
but efforts to train more priests have been held back by the lack of
applicants for seminaries, according to the Shanghai-based China Daily
Zou Yunlong, a 32-year-old student at the National Seminary of the
Catholic Church in Beijing, told China Daily of the cost of being a
Roman Catholic priest, including being forbidden to get married and have
children, living and possibly dying alone, and constant readiness to
serve his parishioners at any hour of the day for the rest of his life.
“Your parents will lose the person they should rely on in the
future,” he said. “It’s a process of constant self-reflection to see if I
am fit for the priesthood.”"
Qual é o fim da propriedade privada?
O fim da
propriedade privada é a garantia da liberdade e da dignidade de cada uma das
pessoas, ajudando-as a satisfazer as necessidades fundamentais próprias
daqueles por quem se tem a responsabilidade e dos outros que vivem em
Friday, 20 November 2015
Calma, deixa correr o tempo
Estás intranquilo. – Olha: aconteça o que acontecer na tua vida interior ou no mundo que te rodeia, nunca te esqueças de que a importância dos acontecimentos ou das pessoas é muito relativa. – Calma. Deixa correr o tempo; e, depois, olhando de longe e sem paixão os factos e as pessoas, adquirirás a perspectiva, porás cada coisa no seu lugar e de acordo com o seu verdadeiro tamanho. Se assim fizeres, serás mais justo e evitarás muitas preocupações. (Caminho, 702)
São Josemaría Escrivá
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Eucharistic meet mourns Paris carnage
Oswald Gracias invites the delegates to spend a few moments of silence
to pray for the victims of the terrorist attack in Paris (Facebook
Mumbai: Friday’s carnage in Paris cast a shadow over the ongoing Eucharistic Congress in Goregaon as well.
Archbishop Oswald Cardinal Gracias, of of Bombay led the 850
delegates in observing a few moments of silence to pray for the victims
who perished in the serial attacks.
Later in the evening, a mass pilgrimage was undertaken to the shrine
of Our Lady of Vailankanni in Uttan, and here too, the congregation
mourned the innocent loss of lives.
Friday, 13 November 2015
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Agarathala diocese witnesses a record gathering
Eucharistic Procession at Agarthala diocese
Agartala 8 Nov, 2015: More than nine
thousand faithful from all parts of the state converged at Agartala
today to be part of the The 7th Annual Eucharistic Procession, making it
a record of sorts in the 19 year old diocese.
14 - Humildade e gratidão
Pensa sempre que tens e sempre tiveste mais do que mereces.
Baseado no livro “A Prática da Humildade”, de Gioacchino Pecci (Papa Leão XIII), Paulus Editora, 2014, pag 24
Baseado no livro “A Prática da Humildade”, de Gioacchino Pecci (Papa Leão XIII), Paulus Editora, 2014, pag 24
13 - Procura sempre o último lugar
Procura sempre o último lugar com a convicção sincera de que,
precisamente por ser o último, é o mais adequado para ti. Do mesmo modo, nas
necessidades da vida quotidiana, não aspires às coisas mais sofisticadas, preferindo
antes as mais simples e modestas.
Baseado no livro “A Prática da Humildade”, de Gioacchino Pecci (Papa Leão XIII), Paulus Editora, 2014, pag 23
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Sunday, 8 November 2015
A Healthy Self-esteem
Developing a strong Christian
personality: "If we are to judge ourselves truthfully, we need to
acquire self-knowledge. This is not at all an easy job and is in some
sense a never-ending learning process."
The light of faith enables us to
rightly judge our achievements and failures. The serene acceptance of
our own identity shapes our way of being and acting in society. It also
fosters self-confidence and lessens fear and shyness, and helps prevent
us from acting rashly; it makes it easier for us to be open to others
and to new situations while fostering optimism and cheerfulness.
positive or negative view we have of ourselves depends on
self-knowledge and the fulfilment of the goals we each set for
ourselves. To a great extent these goals take as their point of
departure the role models we choose of men or women we hope to emulate.
These models are presented to us in many different ways, for example
through the education we receive at home, through the influence of our
friends or acquaintances, and through the ideas prevalent in our
particular social milieu. And so it is important to define our reference
points, for if they are high and noble, they will foster a healthy
self-esteem. It is also helpful to be aware of the role models prevalent
in our society as a whole, as they can more or less consciously
influence our own self-evaluation.
we can form a distorted judgment about ourselves by adopting standards
of success that can in fact be unrealistic or even harmful: professional
success at any price, self-centered sentimental relationships,
pleasure-based lifestyles. We might overvalue ourselves after attaining
goals that some people seem to appreciate. Or the reverse is also
possible: we might undervalue ourselves for not having reached certain
goals or because some people don’t seem to appreciate us. These mistaken
appraisals are due in large measure to paying too much attention to
those who evaluate people exclusively in terms of what they achieve or
To avoid such risks, it is worthwhile asking ourselves
what our reference points are in our professional, family and social
life and whether these are compatible with a Christian perspective. We
also know that, in the end, Christ is the only complete and fully
coherent model for our life. Looking at our life in the light of his is
the best way to evaluate ourselves, for we know that Jesus is our
closest role model, with whom we have a personal and loving
we are to judge ourselves truthfully, we need to acquire
self-knowledge. This is not at all an easy job and is in some sense a
never-ending learning process. If it is impossible for us to even know exactly what our
own voice sounds like or what our physical appearance is for others,
how much more do we need to admit that we are not the best judges in
assessing our own personality traits.
Besides personal
reflection, self-knowledge comes from what others teach us about
ourselves. This requires learning how to open up to those who can truly
help us: what a wonderful means we have in personal spiritual direction!
There we receive another person’s advice and consider it in relation to
a truly worthwhile ideal for our life. Self-knowledge is also gained by
our interaction with those around us, although we have to be on guard
against a superficial environment that can hinder self-reflection and
make it harder for us to get to know ourselves truly.
we need to foster personal reflection and ask ourselves how God sees us.
Prayer is the best moment for this, since while getting to know God we
also get to know ourselves with the help of his light. Among other
things, we will seek his help to understand better the comments and
advice we receive from others. In some cases, we will see the need to
distance ourselves from other people’s judgements that are not very
objective or perhaps given thoughtlessly, above all when they judge
according to criteria incompatible with God’s will. We need to be
selective in who we pay more attention to.
since we are all partly responsible for the self-esteem of those around
us, we need to do all we can to make sure our words reflect
consideration for each person we encounter, seeing each as a child of
God. This is especially so if we have a position of authority or
guidance over others (a parent-child or teacher-student relationship,
etc.), trying to ensure that our advice and suggestions help to reaffirm
the conviction of their own worth, even when the need arises to correct
with clarity. By doing so, we provide others with the “oxygen,” the
hope they need to breathe and grow on their own.
Self-acceptance: God loves us as we are
we reflect upon our own way of being in God’s light, we are helped to
accept ourselves as we are: with our talents and virtues, but also with
the defects that we humbly acknowledge. True self-esteem implies
recognizing that we are not all equal and that other people may be more
intelligent, more musical, more athletic.... We all possess good
qualities we can develop, and even more importantly, we are all God’s
children. Here lies the key to genuine self-acceptance, the positive
sense of the self-esteem we need, rejecting any undue comparisons with
others that could lead to sadness.
In the final analysis, we
will accept ourselves as we are if we do not lose sight of the fact that
God loves us with our limitations, which form part of our path to
holiness and are the raw material for our personal struggle.
Facing success and failure
supernatural vantage point gives us a better grasp of our own way of
being and life story, and enables us to understand its full meaning.
Temporal events and achievements are seen in their true perspective, in
the light of eternity. Thus, while happy to see we have been successful
in some area, we also know that what is truly important is how it has
helped us grow in holiness. This is Christian realism, human and
supernatural maturity. Just as we should not be carried away by our own
success or the praise received from others, neither should we fall into
pessimism when facing failure.
the same time, admitting that external obstacles and our own
imperfections limit our achievements helps shape our self-esteem,
grounds personal maturity and opens the door to genuine learning.
Growing in true knowledge requires recognizing our deficiencies and
being ready to glean positive experiences from whatever happens to us.
“You say you’ve failed! We never fail. You placed your confidence wholly
in God. And you did not neglect any human means. Convince yourself of
this truth: your success—this time—was to fail. Give thanks to our Lord,
and try again!” (Saint Josemaría Escrivá, The Way, no. 404). We
are now ready to set out upon the way of the Cross, which teaches us
the paradox of strength in weakness, greatness in poverty, growth in
humiliation, with all its extraordinary effectiveness.
Acting with confidence and a readiness to rectify
is more secure when it rests on knowing we are God’s beloved children
and not on the certitude of attaining a success that often eludes us.
This conviction enables us to accept the risk involved in any decision,
to overcome the paralysis of insecurity and to be open to new
situations. “A person is prudent not because he never makes a mistake,
but because he corrects his errors. He shows his prudence in preferring
to miss the mark twenty times rather than give in to an easy-going ‘do
nothing’ attitude. He won’t rush into things foolishly or behave with
absurd rashness. He will run the risk of his decisions. Fear of failure
will not make him give up in his effort to do good.”(Saint Josemaría Escrivá, Friends of God, no. 88).
our human limitations and our need to grow in self-knowledge,
rectifying means a personal enrichment that leads both to an increase in
our self-confidence and in our trust in those around us.
An indispensable virtue
ultimately flourishes under the shelter of humility, “for this is the
virtue which helps us to recognize, at one and the same time, both our
wretchedness and our greatness.” When this attitude is missing, problems related to self-esteem may
easily arise. But when humility is present, it brings with it a realism
that enables us to evaluate ourselves correctly. While we are not
impeccable, neither are we totally corrupt! We are children of God, and
our shortcomings rest on an unimagined dignity.
engenders an interior atmosphere that allows us to know ourselves as we
truly are. And it moves us to sincerely seek the support of others and
also to lend them ours. In the end, each and every one of us needs God.
Cada um é um lugar para os outros
«Não acredito que cada um tenha o seu lugar.
Acredito que cada um é um lugar para os outros.»
[Daniel Faria, in O Livro do Joaquim]
Saturday, 7 November 2015
12 - Respeito, reverência, estima, consideração e bondade
Mostra sempre um grande respeito, reverência, estima, consideração e
bondade para com os teus superiores, os teus iguais e os teus subordinados.
Convence-te de que qualquer desvio a este imperativo apenas é o resultado de
uma alma dominada pela soberba.
Baseado no livro “A Prática da Humildade”, de Gioacchino Pecci (Papa Leão XIII), Paulus Editora, 2014, pag 22
Baseado no livro “A Prática da Humildade”, de Gioacchino Pecci (Papa Leão XIII), Paulus Editora, 2014, pag 22
Friday, 6 November 2015
Dialogue with all
Join the St. Josemaria Institute in praying through the intercession of St Josemaria for the Holy Father’s intentions for the month of November:
That we may be open to personal encounter and dialogue with all,
even those whose convictions differ from our own. And, that pastors of
the Church, with profound love for their flocks, may accompany them and
enliven their hope.
Thursday, 5 November 2015
11 - Esforça-te por saber qual é o teu dever
Reprime com toda a energia a curiosidade vã e inútil. Não te afadigues por
ver as coisas que o mundo tem por belas, raras e magníficas. Esforça-te pelo
contrário por saber qual é o teu dever e aquilo que é benéfico para tua
Baseado no livro “A Prática da Humildade”, de Gioacchino Pecci (Papa Leão XIII), Paulus Editora, 2014, pag 21
Baseado no livro “A Prática da Humildade”, de Gioacchino Pecci (Papa Leão XIII), Paulus Editora, 2014, pag 21
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
After death you will be welcomed by Love itself
The spirit of penance consists mainly in the fulfillment of the duty of
each moment, however costly it may be. (The Way of the Cross, Ninth
Station, 5)
Saint Josemaría
10 - Foge de tudo o que lembra o espírito mundano
Nas conversas, não te rias dos outros nem os reprendas com palavras e
sarcasmos; foge de tudo o que lembra o espírito mundano. Não fales das coisas
espirituais em tom magistral ou à maneira de repreensão, a não ser que a isso
sejas obrigado pelo teu cargo ou pela caridade. Contenta-te em consultar os que
delas entendem e que sabes que te podem dar conselhos oportunos, porque o
quereres armar-te em mestre sem necessidade é acrescentar lenha ao fogo que se
consome em fumaça de soberba.
Baseado no livro “A Prática da Humildade”, de Gioacchino Pecci (Papa Leão XIII), Paulus Editora, 2014, pag 20
Baseado no livro “A Prática da Humildade”, de Gioacchino Pecci (Papa Leão XIII), Paulus Editora, 2014, pag 20
Monday, 2 November 2015
The Pope on Blessed Oscar Romero: his impact is still felt in our time
"Vatican City, 30 October 2015 (VIS) –
This morning five hundred pilgrims from El Salvador, in Rome to give
thanks for the beatification of the bishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero, met
with the Holy Father in the Paul VI Hall. The Pope defined the
Salvadoran bishop martyr as a “good pastor, full of love for God
and close to his brothers who, living the dynamism of the Beatitudes,
gave his life in a violent way while celebrating the Eucharist, the
supreme sacrifice of love, sealing with his own blood the Gospel that
he announced”.
“From the very beginning of the life
of the Church, Christians have always believed that the blood of
martyrs is a seed for Christians, as Tertullian said. Today too, in a
dramatic way, the blood of a great number of Christian martyrs
continues to be shed on the field of the world, with the certain hope
that will bear fruit in a rich harvest of holiness, justice,
reconciliation and love of God. But we must remember that one is not
born a martyr. Archbishop Romero remarked, 'We must be willing to die
for our faith, even if the Lord does not grant us this honour. ...
Giving life does not only mean being assassinated; giving life,
having the spirit of martyrdom, means offering it in silence, in
prayer, in the honest fulfilment of one's duty; in this silence of
everyday life, giving life a little at a time'”.
“Indeed, the martyr is not someone
relegated to the past, a beautiful image that adorns our churches and
which we recall with a certain nostalgia. No, the martyr is a
brother, a sister, who continues to accompany us in the communion of
saints and who, united with Christ, does not ignore our earthly
pilgrimage, our sufferings, our anxieties. In the recent history of
this beloved country, the witness of Msgr. Romero has joined that of
the other brothers and sisters … who are a treasure and
well-founded hope for the Church and for Salvadoran society. The
impact of his commitment can still be felt in our times”.
Just a few weeks before the beginning
of the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, the example of Msgr. Romero
constitutes, for his beloved nation, a “stimulus to a renewed
proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to announce it in a way
that all people can understand, so that the merciful love of the
Divine Saviour enters the heart and the history of this good people.
The holy people of God in pilgrimage in El Salvador have a series of
difficult tasks ahead of them, which require, as in the rest of the
world, an evangelising announcement that allows witness, in the
communion of Christ's one Church, of authentic Christian life”.
“On this occasion, I make my own the
sentiments of the Blessed Msgr. Romero, who with the well-founded
hope longed to see the happy time when the terrible suffering of many
of our brothers, due to hate, violence and injustice, would
disappear. May the Lord, with a shower of mercy and goodness and a
torrent of grace convert all hearts, and may the beautiful homeland
He has given you, that bears the name of the Divine Saviour, be
transform into a country where all are redeemed and all are brothers,
without differences, since we are all one in Christ our Lord”.
The Holy Father concluded with some
unscripted remarks. “I wish to add something we are forgetting”,
he said. “The martyrdom of Msgr. Romero was not fulfilled at the
moment of his death – it was a martyrdom of witness, of prior
suffering and prior persecution, up to his death. But even
afterwards, following his death – I was a young priest and a
witness to this – he was defamed, slandered, his memory despoiled,
and his martyrdom continued also for his brethren in the priesthood
and in the episcopate. This is not hearsay, but rather things I have
heard. Or perhaps it is best to see it thus: a man who continues to
be a martyr. After having given his life, he continues to give it by
allowing himself to be assailed by all this misunderstanding and
slander. This gives me strength. Only God knows the stories of those
people who have given their lives, who have died, and continue to be
stoned with the hardest stone that exists in the world: language”."
Beauté intérieure - Loué sois-tu mon Seigneur
Loué sois-tu mon Seigneur
Pour la Beauté.
Beauté humaine,
reflet de ta beauté divine.
Beauté intérieure,
beauté des coeurs sublimes.
Loué sois-tu mon Seigneur
Pour la beauté des sourires d'espérance,
des visages radieux de paix,
des hommes et des femmes
aux actions audacieuses.
Loué sois-tu mon Seigneur
Pour la beauté des amoureux de Dieu,
des vies généreusement données.
Beauté des paroles lumineuses,
des gestes infinis de compassion
à la douce miséricorde.
Loué sois-tu mon Seigneur
Pour la beauté joyeuse de la prière,
pour les souffrances transfigurées,
les croix douloureuses devenues des croix
Unis aux saints d'hier et d'aujourd'hui,
puissent nos vies, par la sève de la foi,
fleurir de la beauté qui colore notre monde.
Fr Benjamin Kabongo ofm
Toussaint 2015
Pour la Beauté.
Beauté humaine,
reflet de ta beauté divine.
Beauté intérieure,
beauté des coeurs sublimes.
Loué sois-tu mon Seigneur
Pour la beauté des sourires d'espérance,
des visages radieux de paix,
des hommes et des femmes
aux actions audacieuses.
Loué sois-tu mon Seigneur
Pour la beauté des amoureux de Dieu,
des vies généreusement données.
Beauté des paroles lumineuses,
des gestes infinis de compassion
à la douce miséricorde.
Loué sois-tu mon Seigneur
Pour la beauté joyeuse de la prière,
pour les souffrances transfigurées,
les croix douloureuses devenues des croix
Unis aux saints d'hier et d'aujourd'hui,
puissent nos vies, par la sève de la foi,
fleurir de la beauté qui colore notre monde.
Fr Benjamin Kabongo ofm
Toussaint 2015
9 - Nada faças com o objectivo de granjear honra e louvor
Toma toda a atenção em evitar proferir palavras altaneiras, orgulhosas, ou
que de algum modo indiquem pretensão de superioridade, como também qualquer
frase afectada ou irónica. Cala sempre em ti tudo aquilo que possa levar a que
te considerem uma pessoa engraçada ou inteligente. Numa palavra, nunca fales de
ti sem justo motivo, e nada faças com o objectivo de granjear honra e
Baseado no livro “A Prática da Humildade”, de Gioacchino Pecci (Papa Leão XIII), Paulus Editora, 2014, pag 19
Baseado no livro “A Prática da Humildade”, de Gioacchino Pecci (Papa Leão XIII), Paulus Editora, 2014, pag 19
Sunday, 1 November 2015
The Best Indian Catholic Posts - Lord, give us the grace to live fully in the present moment
Give us the grace not to have any regrets
about the past or to be obsessed with the future, but to live fully in the
present moment.
In this great battle of love no one fights alone
"…in this great battle of love no one fights alone. None of us, I like
to say, is a floating line of verse. In some way we are always either
helping or hindering each other. We are all links in the same chain.
Join with me now in asking Our Lord to grant that this chain may anchor
us to his Heart until that day comes when we shall contemplate him face
to face for ever in Heaven." (Friends of God, no 76)
Saint Josemaría
8 - Silêncio, recolhimento, contenção, modéstia, simplicidade, paciência e tranquilidade
Tanto quanto possível, observa o silêncio e o recolhimento, desde que isso não cause prejuízo a outrem, e, quando fores obrigado a falar, fala sempre com contenção, com modéstia e simplicidade. E se por acaso não fores ouvido, por simples desprezo ou por outra razão, não te mostres ressentido, mas aceita essa situação com paciência e tranquilidade.
Baseado no livro “A Prática da Humildade”, de Gioacchino Pecci (Papa Leão XIII), Paulus Editora, 2014, pag 18
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