Pope Francis

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Não é lícito ao homem desprezar a vida corporal (Catecismo da Igreja Católica, §364) - Saúde, Fontes naturais de ómega 3 e vitamina D

Existe uma comida rápida, barata, muito portuguesa, que é uma das mais saudáveis (e saborosas para quem goste) do mundo: uma lata de sardinhas.

Cada lata de 100 gramas contém duas a quatro vezes as quantidades mínimas diárias recomendadas de ingestão de ómega 3 (dois a quatro gramas de ómega 3 por lata).

Cada lata de 100 gramas contém cerca de 400 UI de vitamina D, a quantidade mínima diária recomendada quando não se apanha sol.

Ao contrário do atum, as sardinhas, como todos os peixes pequenos, não têm mercúrio, PCBs, dioxinas e outros produtos perigosos que se encontram com frequência nos peixes grandes.

Ao contrário de outros alimentos, a sardinha não é cultivada ou criada em viveiro, mas apanhada no mar em estado selvagem, sem adição de pesticidas, hormonas, antibióticos ou outros produtos nocivos.

A sardinha em lata é um produto sem corantes ou conservantes. O único tratamento que tem é a esterilização que é feita pela imersão das latas em água a ferver a 110 graus centígrados.

Prefira a sardinha conservada em azeite extra virgem e tente evitar sardinha (ou outras conservas ) conservada com outro tipo de óleos.

E, claro, não se esqueça de ingerir igualmente muita fruta e legumes (e aproveite para temperar estes com muito alho, especiarias, sobretudo caril, e ervas aromáticas).

Santa Teresa Benedita da Cruz (Edith Stein), Obras 370

«Deus pôs em cada alma
um selo particular,
une-Se a cada uma
de modo especial e próprio.
Da abundância da vida divina,
que nenhum coração humano pode abarcar,
concede o Senhor a cada um
um mistério especial
através do qual,
Ele oferece um caminho incompreensível.» 


Forging an Ethical Capitalism

Cardinal George Pell, Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, has asked the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome to offer a program that provides "a thorough education for priests and lay people in both economics and ethics."
In order to better discern these complex issues, MCE takes an interdisciplinary approach for a systematic and scientific study of economic and social life in the light of reason and Catholic faith. Every class teaches ethics, virtues, role-models, best-practices, and sometimes even guides people in setting up their own business. The locus is on developing the moral and cultural basis necessary to respect the dignity of the human person within a free market system.
Sound financial practices within the Church face the same difficulties as in the business world. Cardinal George Pell, Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, asked Santa Croce to consider offering a course for Church administrators. He said, "What we want is a thorough education of priests and lay people in both economics and ethics. The administration of money in the Church must be exemplary and according to the Gospel."
Beginning in January 2016, Santa Croce will launch a two-year pilot project that one day will develop into an academy to give high-potential young clergy and seminarians the formation needed to competently administer the Church’s assets. It will be something along the lines of an executive MBA program for ecclesiastics with classes in management, finance, markets, and business ethics. To fill this need, Fr. Schlag is currently gathering knowledgeable people to help develop the program. One existing model already run by MCE is the successful workshop, "Economics for Ecclesiastics." A recent class included seventy priests and nuns, with one of them remarking, "This is the course I always wanted to take, but couldn’t afford it."
MCE Summer School
The Markets, Culture and Ethics Research Centre is launching this year a new initiative: the MCE Summer School, a week-long immersion in moral theology and ethics for students of the social sciences from around the world. The summer school will take place September 21-27 at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.
This initiative tries to take up the social message of Pope Francis. In his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, he writes that “neither the Pope nor the Church have a monopoly on the interpretation of social realities or the proposal of solutions to contemporary problems” (EG 184).
At the same time, though, the Pope also says that religion cannot be limited to private life, but that the pastors of Church, and Christians in general, “have the right to offer opinions on all that affects people’s lives, since the task of evangelization implies and demands the integral promotion of each human being” (EG 182). Christian conversion also implies rethinking one’s social involvement and concerns. Business is “a noble vocation, provided that those engaged in it see themselves challenged by a greater meaning in life; this will enable them truly to serve the common good by striving to increase the goods of this world and to make them more accessible to all” (EG 203).
The MCE Summer School will be taught by Prof. Robert Gahl, professor of Ethics at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, and Prof. Martin Schlag, professor of Moral Theology and Academic Director of the MCE Research Centre. All courses will be taught in English.
Information and the complete program are available on the website: mcesummerschool.com.


Wednesday, 26 August 2015

The Man may not despise his bodily life (Catechism of the Catholic Church, §364) - Health, Ionized calcium

Ionized calcium is calcium in your blood that is not attached to proteins. It is also called free calcium.
Normal results in adults vary between 4.4 and 5.3 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter).
Higher-than-normal levels of ionized calcium may be due to excess of vitamins A and/or D, etc. Lower-than-normal levels may be due to vitamin D deficiency, etc.


25/8/2015 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): A Christian who is too attached to riches has lost his way

A Christian who is too attached to riches has lost his way.
Pope Francis ()

Monday, 24 August 2015

Não é lícito ao homem desprezar a vida corporal (Catecismo da Igreja Católica, §364) - Saúde, Homocisteína

Um elevado nível de homocisteína no sangue está associado a doenças cardiovasculares e a danos nas artérias.

Uma dieta pobre nas vitaminas B6, B9 e B12 está associado a níveis elevados de homocisteína no sangue.

Os alimentos saudáveis com maior quantidade de vitamina B6 são o farelo de trigo, o arroz, peixes como o atum, o salmão e o bacalhau, peito de frango, especiarias como o pimentão, o alho em pó, a salva, o manjericão ou o orégão, os  frutos secos como os pistachos ou as avelãs, o alho, espinafre, soja e frutas como a banana ou o abacate.

Os alimentos saudáveis com mais quantidade de vitamina B9 são as verduras, principalmente o espinafre, os legumes, o sumo de laranja, os aspargos, frutas como banana, melão, morangos, limão e os fermentos lácteos.

Os alimentos com maior fonte de vitamina B12 são os frutos do mar, principalmente amêijoas, mexilhões e ostras, o polvo, a cavala (o peixe com mais vitamina B12), o iogurte, o leite de soja e o tofu.

O nível ideal de homocisteína é de 6.3 μmol/L.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Live and die in God’s Love

Frantz J

From Franz Jagerstatter, in one of his last letters before he was beheaded on August 9, 1943 for being a catholic conscientious objector in Germany:
"Just as the man who thinks only of this world does everything possible to make life here easier and better, so must we, too, who believe in the eternal Kingdom, risk everything in order to receive a great reward there. Just as those who believe in National Socialism tell themselves that their struggle is for survival, so must we, too, convince ourselves that our struggle is for the eternal Kingdom. But with this difference: we need no rifles or pistols for our battle, but instead, spiritual weapons – and the foremost among these is prayer…. Through prayer, we continually implore new grace from God, since without God’s help and grace it would be impossible for us to preserve the Faith and be true to His commandments….
Let us love our enemies, bless those who curse us, pray for those who persecute us. For love will conquer and will endure for all eternity. And happy are they who live and die in God’s love."

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Holy Spirit

God the Holy Spirit,
bless us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
bless us.
Holy Spirit, equal to the Father and the Son,
come and fill us.
Holy Spirit, who gives us the strength to overcome temptations,
lead us.
Holy Spirit, who makes us aware of sin,
lead us.
Holy Spirit, who makes us aware of righteousness,
lead us.
Holy Spirit, who leads us into perfection of truth,
lead us.
Source of Prudence,
lead us.
He who spreads the rays of spiritual strength,
lead us.
Light of Knowledge,
lead us.
Life-force of Devotion,
lead us.
Spirit of Faith,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Hope,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Love,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Joy,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Peace,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Humility,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Gentleness,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Forgiveness,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Self-Control,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Goodness,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Mercy,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Unity,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Holiness,
sanctify us.
Spirit of Faithfulness,
sanctify us.
Spirit of the Children of God,
sanctify us.
Comforter amidst sufferings,
sanctify us.
Eternal Light,
sanctify us.

There is no such thing as failure if you act with a right intention

We are creatures and full of defects. I would almost say that we will always need defects. They are the shadow which shows up the light of God’s grace and our resolve to respond to God’s kindness. And this chiaroscuro will make us human, humble, understanding and generous.
Let’s not deceive ourselves: in our life we will find vigour and victory and depression and defeat. This has always been true of the earthly pilgrimage of Christians, even of those we venerate on the altars. Don’t you remember Peter, Augustine, Francis? I have never liked biographies of saints which naively — but also with a lack of sound doctrine — present their deeds as if they had been confirmed in grace from birth. No. The true life stories of christian heroes resemble our own experience: they fought and won; they fought and lost. And then, repentant, they returned to the fray.
We should not be surprised to find ourselves defeated relatively often, usually or even always in things of little importance which we tend to take seriously. If we love God and are humble, if we persevere relentlessly in our struggle, the defeats will never be very important. There will also be abundant victories which bring joy to God’s eyes. There is no such thing as failure if you act with a right intention, wanting to fulfill God’s will and counting always on his grace and your own nothingness. (Christ is passing by, 76)

Monday, 17 August 2015

Meditation on the truth

Honesty that is truly indispensable is self-honesty, which is neither easy nor simple to achieve. Sometimes, we created a storm of self-deception and rationalization, a whirlwind of lies in which the small, quiet voice of self-honesty could not be heard. To become honest with ourselves, we first must stop lying to ourselves. We must become quiet. Then, in the resulting stillness, we must listen for truth. When we become silent, self-honesty will be there for us to find. I will be quiet and still, listening for the voice of truth within myself. I will honor the truth I find.


sin+pride+quotes | Via Katie Riedinger

St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Senhor, ensina-me a renunciar a mim mesmo

ensina-me a renunciar a mim mesmo,
aos meus gostos, caprichos, desejos
e a abandonar-me inteiramente à Tua vontade

onde não entram os “ruídos” do mundo
e de mim mesmo.
Nesse silêncio
posso escutar-Te. 


Que em todo o momento eu tenha os olhos postos na eternidade que relativiza o tempo e todos os problemas

Maria, minha Mãe,
Tu que vives imersa em Deus,
cheia da Sua luz e do Seu amor,
faz-me aspirar às coisas do alto
e ensina-me a relativizar tudo o que é terreno,
as pequenas tempestades do dia-a-dia,
os falsos temores,
os desejos incontidos das pequenezes desta vida.
Que eu saiba dirigir-me para a Luz pura – Deus –
onde habitas
através de cada uma das minhas acções,
palavras, actos…
Que em todo o momento
eu tenha os olhos postos na eternidade
que relativiza o tempo e todos os problemas.
Maria, minha Mãe, dá-me a tua força
para seguir adiante conTigo até Jesus.


Slow down the process of perceiving the world that surrounds you in the mind, as if you were watching television in slow motion

With your thoughts and feelings you create and perceive the world that surrounds you. According to what your thoughts are, thus will be your feelings and emotions, your attitude and your actions. This process usually happens rapidly, and you are not usually aware that it is taking place. As this process repeats itself often, it is easy for a set of habits to be created. 
The effort lies in slowing down this process in the mind, as if you were watching television in slow motion. On the screen of your consciousness you can use meditation as a method to slow down this process and be aware of what you are feeling and thinking, how you are acting and being aware of the result that you obtain.

O que é Meditação Cristã?

A meditação é fruto de uma sabedoria espiritual universal e uma prática que nós encontramos no centro de todas as grandes tradições religiosas, uma peregrinação da mente para o coração. É um caminho de silêncio, simplicidade e quietude. Pode ser praticada por qualquer pessoa onde quer que você esteja na jornada de sua vida. É necessário apenas estar seguro de seu compromisso com a prática e, em seguida, começar - e continuar começando.

Make room for positive

Every time you subtract negative from your life, you make room for more POSITIVE. emilysjoycoaching.com

The Best Indian Catholic Posts - The life and death of Maximilian Kolbe is a reminder to each of us that a life lived in the service of others is indeed a life worth living

"The life and death of Maximilian Kolbe is a reminder to each of us that a life lived in the service of others is indeed a life worth living. For such a person, death holds no threat or fear, because in losing his/her life such a person gains eternal life as Maximilian Kolbe did.

Can we dare to be a little him today?"


Tuesday, 11 August 2015

4/8/2015 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): Let us allow the love of God to take deep root within us

Let us allow the love of God to take deep root within us. In so doing, we will be able to give ourselves to others.

Pope Francis ()

Monday, 10 August 2015

Faith is a lamp

faith...  from The Light of Faith by Pope Francis

The practice of Humility - 60

Our divine Master recommended his disciples to say with those in the parable: “We are useless servants; we have only done our duty” (Lk 17:10). Likewise, when you will have observed these counsels uncompromisingly, acknowledge yourself as a useless servant.  Be convinced; you were able to keep them, not because of your merits, but because of the infinite mercy of God; thank him wholeheartedly for such a great benefit. Ask him every day to keep this treasure in you until the last moment, when your soul, free from every tie which kept it attached to creatures, will be able to fly toward the bosom of its Creator to enjoy forever the glory prepared for the humble.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Sunday, 9 August 2015

8/8/2015 Pope Francis (@Pontifex): Let us be transformed by God’s mercy

We are all sinners. Let us be transformed by God’s mercy.

Pope Francis ()

A prayer for when we just can't understand

A Prayer For When We Just Can’t Understand http://christianstt.com/prayer-just-cant-understand/?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=Christians%20Trinidad-Tobago%20(DAILY%20PRAYER)&utm_content=A%20Prayer%20For%20When%20We%20Just%20Can%E2%80%99t%20Understand

The practice of Humility - 59

Against your interior opposition, remain firm against the difficulties you will experience in putting into practice what I have taught you.  Do not say, as the disciples did: “This is a hard teaching.  Who can accept it?” (Jn 6:61).  I assure you that the initial bitterness will soon turn into indescribable sweetness and heavenly consolations. Perseverance in these exercises will free you from anxiety of spirit; it will instill in your heart so much peace and tranquillity that you will have a foretaste of that eternal pleasure prepared by God in heaven for his faithful servants. If out of cowardice you stop using the means necessary to become humble, you will always feel oppressed, restless, unbearable to yourself and perhaps also to others, and what is worse, you will run the risk of being eternally lost.  At least, the door of perfection will be closed to you, since there is no door to enter it, other than humility. Arm yourself with holy daring so that no one will dishearten you. Look above and see Jesus Christ, laden with the Cross, teaching you the way of humility and patience; the way already trodden by many saints now reigning with him in heaven. Hear how he is urging you to follow his road and that of the true imitators of his virtues. See how the holy angels desire your salvation; notice how they implore you to take the narrow path, the only safe one, the only one leading to heaven, to those vacant seats of eternal glory emptied because of the pride of the rebellious angels. Don’t you hear the blessed proclaim throughout paradise that the way of humiliations and suffering is the only way to be happy in heaven?  See how they rejoice and congratulate you for those first desires you conceived to imitate them; hear how they beg you not to lose heart. Arm yourself with strength and courage to start this great work without delay.  Remember your baptismal oaths, and tremble at the thought of violating the sanctity of the promises you then made to God. These are Christ’s words:  “The kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent are taking it” (cf. Mt 11:12). Blessed are you one thousand times if, convinced of this, you resolve to practice humility in order to deserve the eternal happiness of paradise.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Beata Maria Josefina de Jesus Crucificado, Pensamentos sobre imagens, 1ª série 44, p. 18

uma pequena coisa que passa
e serás grande
em sabedoria.»



The Bridge of Grace // Art Print // https://www.etsy.com/listing/167902047/the-bridge-of-grace-art-print-christian?ref=shop_home_active  $18

The practice of Humility - 58

Frequent Confession and Communion will provide you with the most effective help to persevere in the practice of humility. In Confession, we reveal to a man like us the most secret and shameful miseries of our soul; it is the greatest act of humility that Jesus Christ demanded of his disciples. In Holy Communion, we receive in our heart God-made-man, debased for our love; it is a marvelous school of humility and a most powerful means of acquiring it. In it, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, meek and humble furnace of love and charity, will rest upon your heart. Then, ask him for humility with all the fervor of your soul; he will grant it to you. Go frequently to receive this love-worthy sacrament; as often as you go with the necessary dispositions, you will find the hidden manna, reserved only to those who seek it eagerly.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Friday, 7 August 2015

Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá

Zipaquirá is the "Salt Cathedral" outside Bogota, Colombia. You have to walk 1.5km underground to reach this chamber.

The Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá is an underground Roman Catholic church built within the tunnels of a salt mine 200 meters underground in a Halite mountain near the town of Zipaquirá, in Cundinamarca, Colombia. Years before the underground church was built (around 1932), the miners had carved a sanctuary, as a place for their daily prayers asking for protection to the saints before starting to work.

The practice of Humility - 57

Have recourse to those saints eminent in humility:
            - to St Michael the Archangel, the first of the humble, as Lucifer was the first of the proud;
            - to St John the Baptist, who although he had reached such heights of sanctity as to be taken for the Messiah, felt so lowly as to deem himself unworthy to loosen Jesus’ sandal strap;
            - to St Paul, that privileged apostle, taken up to the third heaven.  Having heard the mysteries of the divinity, deemed himself the least of the apostles, not even worthy of the name (cf. 2 Cor 12:11);
            - to Pope St Gregory, who busied himself more to escape the supreme pontificate of the Church than the ambitious do to achieve honors;
            - to St Augustine, who at the zenith of glory, both, as holy bishop, and most profound doctor of the Catholic Church, left an immortal monument of his humility in his admirable books The Confessions and Retractions;
            - to St Alexius, who disguised as a beggar within the walls of his paternal home, preferred the insults and outrages of his own servants to all the honors and dignities which he could very easily have obtained;
            - to St Aloysius Gonzaga, a nobleman who gave up his title happily and chose a humble and austere life rather than the greatness of the world.
            Turn to so many other saints, who shine with the brightest light in the splendor of the Church because of their humility. Be convinced that these humble servants of God will intercede before him in heaven so that you may be among the imitators of their virtues.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Thursday, 6 August 2015

The practice of Humility - 56

Take Mary as your advocate and protectress to obtain from God the gift of humility.  St Bernard says that “Mary humbled herself more than any other creature; being the greatest of all, she made herself the least in the most profound abyss of her humility.”  Thus, she received the fullness of graces and was prepared to be the Mother of God.  Mary is also a tender and compassionate Mother; no one ever had recourse to her in vain.  Abandon yourself trustfully in her maternal bosom; implore her to obtain for you that virtue, so precious to her.  Do not fear that she will ignore you; no, Mary will ask it for you of that God who raises the humble and annihilates the proud.  Since Mary is all-powerful with her Son, she will undoubtedly be answered. Turn to her in all your crosses, in all your needs, in all your temptations.  May Mary be your support, may she be your consolation; but the first grace you must ask of her is holy humility.  Never keep still, never stop imploring her until she obtains it for you; never be afraid of troubling her too much.  Oh, how much she likes your persistent requests for the health of your soul and for being more acceptable to her divine Son. Press her to be always favorable to you; ask this in the name of her humility, by which she was elevated to the dignity of Mother of God, and in the name of her maternity, the indescribable fruit of her humility.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Pray daily

Yesss... Amen

Don't worry

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything

God answers

Need to remember this!

The practice of Humility - 55

Do not think that you possess humility because you enjoy much tranquillity and peace in the midst of contempt and contradictions.  Very often pride is only lulled; it creates havoc again as soon as it is awakened. Your weapons should be self-knowledge, escaping from honors, and love for humiliations; never rid yourself of them, not even for an instant. Do not be afraid of losing this rich inheritance again; to humble oneself is the sure means to keep the precious gift of humility.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Don't worry

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6, NASB).

Fazendo com amor as pequenas coisas do dia a dia, descobrindo o divino que está encerrado nos pormenores

Quando um cristão realiza com amor a mais intranscendente das acções diárias, ela transborda da transcendência de Deus.

São Josemaría Escrivá


Every morning


The practice of Humility - 54

Let no day pass without reproaching yourself as your enemies would do, not only to soften these insults in advance, but also to keep yourself in self-abasement and contempt. If, in the midst of the storm of a violent temptation, you become impatient and complain interiorly for the way God is trying you, repress these motions in time and tell yourself: “I am a vile and miserable sinner, should I complain about this suffering?  Have I not deserved harsher punishments?  Don’t you know, my soul, that these humiliations and sufferings are like bread received from the charity of the Lord to bring you out of your misery and poverty?  Ah, if you refuse this God-given trial, you are not worthy of it and reject a rich treasure; it will be given to someone else who will make better use of it. “The Lord wants to number you among his friends, the disciples of Calvary; will you be a coward and flee from the combat?  Do you try to be crowned without having fought?  And how will you have the reward without having borne the burden of the day and of the heat?” These and similar reflections will re-enkindle your fervor and arouse in you the desire to accept suffering and humiliations, as our Lord did.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Monday, 3 August 2015

The practice of Humility - 53

Recall in your imagination the insults which could come upon you; this will help you to grow in this virtue and to find humiliation sweet and familiar.  Study within yourself how to accept these imagined insults, in spite of your obstinate nature; they are tokens of God’s love for you and sure means of sanctification. Perhaps in so doing you will have to struggle, but be courageous and strong in the fight, until you feel firm and well determined to suffer everything joyfully for the love of Jesus Christ.

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Sunday, 2 August 2015

The practice of Humility - 52

Consider also the examples left by the saints of the Old and New Testaments. Isaiah, such a virtuous and zealous prophet, deemed himself impure before God, and confessed that all his good deeds were like dirty rags (cf. Is 64:5). Daniel, whom God called a holy man, capable of arresting the divine wrath through his prayers, spoke to God with the humility of a sinner covered with confusion and shame. St Dominic, a miracle of innocence and holiness, had reached such a degree of self-contempt that he thought he drew curses from heaven upon the cities which he had to pass through. Thus, before entering a city, he would kneel down, put his face toward the ground, and say with tears: “I implore you, O Lord, have compassion on me, do not look at my sins, and do not punish this city as your just vengeance for keeping me within its walls.” St Francis, who deserved to be an image of Jesus Crucified for the purity of his life, believed himself to be the worst sinner on earth; this thought was so firmly fixed in his spirit that no one could have removed it. He used to say that, had God granted all those graces to the lowest of men, that man would have made better use of them and would not have been so ungrateful. Several other saints believed themselves unworthy of the food they took, of the air they breathed, of the garments they wore. Others regarded it as a great miracle of the divine mercy to be tolerated on earth, instead of being thrown into hell.  Still others were surprised that men could bear them and that all creatures would not get together to exterminate and annihilate them.  All the saints abhorred distinction, praises and honors, and because of the great contempt that they had for themselves, they longed for nothing other than humiliations and dishonor. Are you perhaps holier than they?  Why don’t you consider yourself — after their example — unworthy and vile?  Why don’t you seek — as they did — the simple joy of holy humility?

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

Saturday, 1 August 2015

The practice of Humility - 51

Another strong reason to make you practice the virtue of humility is the example of our divine Savior; he must be your model always.  He told us: “Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart” (Mt 11:29).  And St Bernard notes: “What pride cannot be crushed by the humility of the divine Master?” Christ is the only one who really humiliated and abased himself; we do not lower ourselves at all, we merely occupy the place which is due us. Vile creatures guilty of a thousand crimes, we have a right only to pain and the void, but our Savior Jesus Christ abased himself way below the heights befitting him. He is the Almighty God, the Immortal and Eternal Being, the supreme Arbiter of everything, yet he became man, weak, vulnerable, mortal and obedient until death. He lowered himself below his creatures; he who is the joy and beatitude of the angels and saints in heaven willed to be the Man of Sorrows and took upon himself the miseries of mankind; the uncreated Wisdom and the wellspring of all knowledge who was burdened with the shame and infamy of a fool; the Holy of Holies, holiness itself, went by as a sinner and a criminal; he whom the countless hosts of the blessed worship in heaven willed to die on a cross; the supreme Goodness bore all kinds of temporal miseries. After this example of humility, what shall we do, ashes and dust that we are? Shall we complain of any little humiliation, miserable sinners that we are?

J. Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)